vapor accessory addict
Your new avatar is a nice change Rick. Love the vapor clouds. Good work Vito! 

mudstar said:Saw some others recently had some problems with a rattle in the zap, and it seems mine has developed this after about 9 months. Just ordered the kit from Rick which I believe addresses the problem.
I'm assuming the kit has the necessary instructions for resetting the ring (I'm assuming this is what is rattling and moving a little), but is there any other advice from anybody who has had to do this which might be handy? I'm not exactly Bob Villa here.
As an aside, I just fashioned a koozie to help my zap stay warm with my A/C sucking power in my bedroom...Anybody else with keep yours on only while vaping, or is it ok to leave it on all the time while my power is getting sucked by the A/C?
When my Zap was first here, it ran a bit cool, but still gave pretty fair hits. One day I left the aroma flower on for a few hours for the first time. I took it off to do a hit... and I was impressed! It was a thick cloud. This has not stopped since. I think that the aroma flower kept the heat right there at the source, and gave a warmer hit. I leave the aroma flower on 24/7. You could try diffusing oils while you are not hitting the Zap, and see if that gives you even warmer hits.Lycanthrope said:I use a koozi in the winter months as my zap is in my heated man cave third garage and workshop.....
Vitolo said:I got a glass bong recently. My 1st glass water tool since 1969!
I got it to test out some water stuff I received... but before I get busy testing or even add Ice to this thing, I thought I would see if it worked with my Zap.
Touch image to see if the Zap works with the bong!
momofthegoons said:Right back at you ob! When you came on with your dog avi, I had to do a double take. Just keeping you on your toes...
Where's that Mahoe pic!?
Soon we should not need the rings and there will not be a rattle...........stay tuned...........