I think what he failed to deliver was either a picture of me (those are worth at least a thousand of my words)

or one of my old socks. No it wasnt just 'any' old sock - it was a pink sock.

Oh my... I think I just offended myself!
On a real note, I seriously thought I had a

the other day. I went to sit down for my evening session and I grabbed my Zap but it was much cooler than it normally is. Took a few pulls on a stem (no vapor) but the light was still on. It was at that point I wanted to cry because I thought it was dead (or at least on its last leg)
It wasnt until the next day that I realized my power strip that plugs into the extension cord (under the throw rug by the door no less) was coming slightly unplugged. The connection was off long enough to let my Zap cool, but it must have been bumped just in time to illuminate the light and make me think nothing of it. (Til it was coooooooold)
Im glad that was a false alarm!