

'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
Rick, I must admit that I was initially skeptical about the quality of your character, but have definitely changed my tune. I feel that you have become more open to differing opinions and more dedicated to the advancement of healthier imbibing through vaporization (as seems to be evident in your comment above regarding the ease of making log vapes and the potential for someone to tap into that overseas market, as well as your recent objective, IMO, comments regarding the choice between the Myrtle Zap and the Purple Days).

I hope that none of this comment was taken as being offensive (as that was not my intention), and I recognize that I tend to speak off the cuff.

Be well and best wishes.


I can understand you not understanding my point. And you are correct about me being spoiled with our current business profile. I prefer a happy life. I try to earn enough money to keep my family happy. More money than that brings trouble in my book. I stay away from trouble.
A man is not a man until he learns how to say no.
And Progress, you said nothing to offend me. In fact nobody does any more. Once you get to a certain age, that's the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Rick said:
And Progress, you said nothing to offend me. In fact nobody does any more. Once you get to a certain age, that's the way it is.

What age is that ? :shrug:


Combustion free since '09
ROFL! You're not quite there yet Lwien! Maybe your next birthday ROFL!!!! :D


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
Age doesn't necessarily toughen your skin IMO/IME, but I am glad I didn't offend (hopefully the comment itself was not viewed as offensive either).

On the other hand, I am a strong believer that healthy living (including emotional/mental health) contributes to the confidence that allows one to tolerate the undesirable and address it with grace (aka tough skin).

Maybe you should add to your marketing that the Myrtle Zap not only helps your lungs, conserves your herbs, and sets ones mind at ease with it's 24/7 availability; but can 'toughen your skin'. :lol:

Since I can not possibly offend you, I am going to add an opinion that I refrained from including in my previous post. I still feel much more comfortable ordering a purple days from tom due to the passion for creating an exceptional health-focused product that he continually displays (as opposed to displaying a cavalier attitude towards the POTENTIALLY unhealthy use of brass and towards smoking in conjunction with vaporizing).

Be well.


No offense taken Progress. My cavalier attitude about MY PRODUCT is what keeps us going. Folks can interpret that however they wish. Thank you for expressing your opinion on our thread.
Lwein, I knew I blew it as soon as I posted the age thing. It is not a certain age one attains but a level of wisdom. It is wise not to get offended by others. It is also good to have a tough skin in todays world
Yea, I know. Now I put out the challenge to offend me. Progress took the first bite. Chomp on.


Well-Known Member
Well, according to Rick and Progress, I lack self-confidence and wisdom and THAT, offends me. :brow:

But all kidding aside, being offended by something could be nothing more than being passionate about ones own perspective on things and therefore, is not intrinsically a bad thing, eh? Being totally unaffected by an opposing perspective could be viewed as being apathetic and that has negative connotations as well.

Fuck, now I'm sounding defensive. lol :/


Lost in Thought
Rick said:
Now I put out the challenge to offend me. Progress took the first bite. Chomp on.

I havent put on deodorant for close to a month now. I can send you a scrach and sniff sample if you would like me to test your offense-o-meter.

I aim to please (offensively that is) :lol:


vapor accessory addict
AG, we can always count on you to lighten/liven things up. :lol:

ROFL! You're not quite there yet Lwien! Maybe your next birthday ROFL!!!!

I'm right there with you Lo! :lol: And lwien, I think you're sounding more philosophical than defensive. What did you put in your current batch of cookies? :)
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Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
And lwien, I think you're sounding more philosophical than defensive. What did you put in your current batch of cookies? :)

Too much ABV. :o Took me half the day to recover yesterday.


All kidding aside Lwein, you are plenty wise.
Of course I've been thinking about this one while firing up the barrel stove in the shop.
I get stimulated to respond to certain comments but I do not get offended. I learned that here on FC. Plenty of experience dealing with comments intended to offend. I finally figured out being offended by them was a waste of my time.
In general taking offense and pre-occupying ones time with what others have to say about you in a negative way ruins your Eternal Now Moment. Thats all we really have and I intend to make the best of my ENM every day I have left.
I do love mutually respectable discourse but often on forums that is not what it is about.
AG, only a scratch and sniff sample? Hows about a T shirt? (That's as far as I will go). And WTF makes you think that will offend me? You don't know how kinky I am now, do you? Now you're getting me exited! Do you need a pre-addressed shipping label?
How about those Seahawks Reese? I'll bet you are torn? Or were torn?
Lwein, a day off to recover from too much ABV????? Sleep all day? What a life!


Well-Known Member
Rick said:
I get stimulated to respond to certain comments but I do not get offended. I learned that here on FC. Plenty of experience dealing with comments intended to offend. I finally figured out being offended by them was a waste of my time.

Yeah, most of the time, I can spot those whose sole intent is to offend and to those, I find their efforts quite amusing and will usually respond back with some light-hearted jib-jab.

What is true however, at least, from everything that I have experienced and read, is that the older we get, the more our personality traits get exaggerated, the good along with the bad. Wisdom can help moderate that, but I do think it's a natural progression. If one tends to be apathetic, the older they get, the more apathetic they become. If one is overly emotional about things, the more over emotional they become, etc etc etc. But I think this really raises it's head in the later stages of life that's a bit further on down the road.

Anyway, to get a bit back on topic, I'd just like to tip my hat to Rick (as well as to the other long standing vaporizer artisens) for building a quality product while providing excellent customer service and being successful at it over the years. To be able to do this without resorting to sending in shills to a site to give glowing reviews or spending big advertising dollars to promote their product, or make false pretenses when introducing their product, is an accomplishment worthy of mention. It warms the heart to see a mom & pop business like this be successful and continue to be successful and just goes to prove that if you build a quality product that the market wants and you back it up with excellent support and you care about your customers, you can't help but be successful.



Well-Known Member
Not torn at all, Rick. Saints fan all the way. Heart and soul. Other games are entertainment. When the Saints lose, I feel as if I contributed by not cheering hard enough, or something. I"m feeling a little depressed but not as intense as when your team is horrible every year. It's already starting to fade a bit.

Congrats to the Seahawks though. They played a good game.

Per the current conversation:

I think all o' y'all are freeks. That's why I like it here.


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
This post is off topic, but I figured it is OK as the OP/manufacturer is participating in this dialogue.

I agree with Lwein that it is OK to be offended (even a sign of passion regarding ones perspective). IMO, the problem is acting shitty and not being able to adress things with some grace.

That said, I am a bit offended that my explanation of why I would prefer to order a PD over a Zap was taken as an attempt to offend the manufacturer (rather than an attempt to express my actual opinion). I imagine, though, that you (Rick) did not mean to offend with either of your responses (please correct me if I am wrong).

PS: I have never heard the term 'FREEks', but like it alot. Maybe one day free-thinkers will be the norm rather than the minority, and the term FREEks will no longer apply. The concentration of FREEks on this site is part of the reason I like it as well. :)


Well-Known Member
Progress said:
I have never heard the term 'FREEks', but like it alot. Maybe one day free-thinkers will be the norm rather than the minority, and the term FREEks will no longer apply. The concentration of FREEks on this site is part of the reason I like it as well. :)

David Crosby said it best, "Let your FREEk flag fly". :)


Well-Known Member
who's got the werthers original?


So, I got my confirmation email on Friday: Intense walnut MZ in the mail, should be there Monday. So, I rushed home from work tonight to unwrap and plug the thing in (and finish the game!), making a special stop for some AK on the way. Anyway, as for the product:

Obviously not overrated. Very efficient, very easy to use, had me blowing clouds on my first attempt. Of the few loading methods I tried (namely packing it by pushing it off the bottom of my jar and the straw method) I found the straw method to work extremely well. So I'm two stems deep and in a pretty good place right now. Very happy with the purchase, looks like I got some good advice on this board.


Well-Known Member
Hi there Rick. Just wanted to let you know I just ordered one of your vapes. I won the Mahoe tube from Ed's TnT.. I emailed him and he recommended I buy your log vape over all others. I have read a lot of your thread on FC and really like the way you do business. I did order the Walnut (base unit only), I have power adapters all over the place and I'm on a fixed income so thought I'd take advantage of the items I already had. Awesome that you offer so many different options for purchase... Want to thank you for offering these...I also have a launch box and fact, if this damn tube I just won from Ed wasn't so pretty, I wouldn't even be looking at a new vape. And your walnut sealed the deal.... I'll now have a great log vape to add to my collection. Thanks in advance... and Ed... if your listening..I want to thank you for that Mahoe tube. It's beautiful.... can't wait to try it out.

PS>> Hey Rick. If you see this before the unit gets out could you change the lemon oil to the lavender for the polish. I got to thinking how nice the lavender will smell with my herb... thanks... my FC name is the same as my email I gave you.


vapor accessory addict
tortoise, best way to contact Rick is by direct email about your change in oil "flavor." I think you are going to be happy with your new vape, even if you weren't in the market for a new one. ;) That mahoe tube with one of Rick's beautiful walnut Zaps is going to be a nice set up. Hope you're planning on posting a pic.
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Ed's TnT

thedeserttortoise said:
Hi there Rick. Just wanted to let you know I just ordered one of your vapes. I won the Mahoe tube from Ed's TnT.. I emailed him and he recommended I buy your log vape over all others. I have read a lot of your thread on FC and really like the way you do business. I did order the Walnut (base unit only), I have power adapters all over the place and I'm on a fixed income so thought I'd take advantage of the items I already had. Awesome that you offer so many different options for purchase... Want to thank you for offering these...I also have a launch box and fact, if this damn tube I just won from Ed wasn't so pretty, I wouldn't even be looking at a new vape. And your walnut sealed the deal.... I'll now have a great log vape to add to my collection. Thanks in advance... and Ed... if your listening..I want to thank you for that Mahoe tube. It's beautiful.... can't wait to try it out.

PS>> Hey Rick. If you see this before the unit gets out could you change the lemon oil to the lavender for the polish. I got to thinking how nice the lavender will smell with my herb... thanks... my FC name is the same as my email I gave you.

I really think you have made the right decision to go with the Zap, you wont be disappointed with its performance or with Ricks superior customer service. I do think that the Mahoe tube with have a nice contrasting color with the WalnutZap you purchased.

And like Mom said, you better be planing on posting pics of the two when you have them together!
Ed's TnT,


Well-Known Member
I'm warming that camera up right now. It's only been a short while since I bought my last vape..the LB. Funny though.. with a new one on the way it's kind of like Christmas all over..... Im looking forward to trying this one out.....PS> thanks mom.... I'll shoot a email over his way on that oil. Pic's on standby waiting for the delivery....


Humanist & Discgolfer

I wouldn't take it personally...I'm pretty sure that Rick has that policy based on it being more of a hassle than it is worth for him, and not as a means to aggravate you. I think opinions such as yours are the exception rather than the rule, as I've found Rick a pleasure to work with, as most others here have as well. In the meantime, good luck getting yourself a log style vape...



More updates from Zapville.
All back ordered Tootys with carbs were shipped yesterday for an expected Thursday arrival. We had a bit over a week of shipping Zap orders less the carbed Tooty because we were out and could not get more for several days. The design has slightly changed too with no bubble on the bottom. Straight glass at the bottom with the insert bonded as always. Tim could not get the right diameter tube so he changed the design slightly. They do work fine and have been thoroughly tested. We can also get these in even shorter lengths. They were ready to go Monday but my new printer did not like the USPS shipping assistant for some reason.
Another good batch of Zaps out today too for a Friday arrival is the plan. We got behind over the holidays then a couple more jams in the flow after the first of the year made for many folks waiting much longer than our stated 1 week turnaround. Thanks for all the patience out there. You all make our catch up time go smoothly.
If anyone missed a Tooty and does not get it by the weekend, please let me know. We did our best to properly record the missed glass but have been more scattered around here than our normal scatteredness. There may even be a person or two getting an extra Tooty. If so, enjoy.

Winter here for sure now. It has warmed up to 20 and we are supposed to get a big bunch of snow again today.

I keep checking the mail AG. We did have a problem with our mailperson refusing to deliver a small package. He actually would not even put it in his rig, then the postmaster sent it back to New York or somewhere far away as he could not handle it either. They said it was no terror stuff or anything like that but would not give me any other info. They also said the big city won't mind getting it back. It's just that we are so spoiled on fresh air whistling through the pines. I guess sometimes country folks are wimps.
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