

Lost in Thought
I recently wrote that I got a zap to a buddy of mine. I was sure to ask him if he was going to be cool, as he lives with his fiancee and their son together. He said "Dude, no probs. She is naive to stuff like that" and of course, the fact that it looks like an oil diffuser.

Enter - Google :o

LOL Needless to say, it was kind of hairy for him for a couple of days.
Its still out on display though :brow: So Im guessing it wasnt *that* hairy.


Thanks for the good words and orders coming from your direction.
I am currently behind my week turn around by a couple days. We have been through a literal week of hell concerning grandkids. My sons ex has serious problems from childhood she has never dealt with and threw a very big curveball last week with the oldest boy. Totally took us off the course we were on in Zapville, staying well ahead on orders. I do think I will be able to get back to the week turnaround(order to receive) by mid next week but a few of our customers will be delayed a few days. If anybody has a question about their order, Email me and I will give you a very close estimate of where your order is on my list.
Glad you like your Tooty. That one is slightly longer than most. The last batch I picked up were all about an inch longer than we like(6-7"). He got the word from big bird. Keep 'em short.


Well-Known Member
Whew... It took me a while to catch up here. Coupla thoughts, first lead then something far more interesting:

1) I've played french horn for 20 something years now. Damn thing's made of brass. The mouthpiece is silver plated brass with some nicks which means brass is all up on my lips and in my mouth. When I pull my hand out of the bell it's always discolored from the hot moist air, sweat and whatever reaction takes place with my skin on the metal. I'm sure there's more peanut butter in my horn that Pb, but even if there was a trace amount I wouldn't panic. I've probably ingested more Pb from water or even just from when it was the additive for gas. Remember that? There's basically no lead-free place on the planet thanks to us filtering it through a combustion engine and shooting it up into the atmo out our tail pipes.

All I'm saying is I just can't see how the relatively low heat for vaporizing purposes could cause any significant amount of metal to oxidize off or whatever to become free in the air and then into our lungs. Maybe if you applied a certain kind of solvent to the metal... But I really don't know about these things. I slept through chemistry many years ago. I consider it to be generally safe (just like sleeping through chemistry :p), much like how I trust thousands of years of human use of a substance (WAY better than any FDA study for safety and side-effects for sure) to be generally safe.

2) What has me more interested now is the question flouris posed a couple pages back:
flouris said:
Question - what do you guys use to get the herb out of your stems after its been vaped?

I thought we could share our tip maintenance tips here. I'll start of with my ways, which I've refined with practice (often daily :p) for several years now. I'm open to suggestions that may improve on my system as well.

I generally tap the tip on the side of a container. Think of trying to knock something sticky off a spoon when you're cooking and then scale it down to a small stem. When I got started with an original Aromazap back in the day, I would tap the tip straight down onto a hard surface (hold vertically, tip down and drop from a couple inches above surface). Eventually this caused the tip to recede into the nylon, a tiny bit with each tap. It was effective in dislodging the ABV material, but may have knocked out some perfectly vaporizable material prematurely.

The ABV is less sticky thanks to the vaporization and generally falls out relatively easily with a side tap. Whatever doesn't readily fall out can be hit again. When no more will tap out, I give it a little "stir" with a plastic toothpick (floss on one end), hit it again and tap. Repeat until all ABV falls out (well, minus just a tiny bit). By "stir" I mean move the material around by gently poking the pick around in the tip, usually along the outside edge. The point of stirring is to expose new surface area to the heat. Once the stem is fairly clear, I gently blow it out into my ABV recycle bin (for cooking... which is awesome, send me your ABV if you don't want it! :p).

As to the grind, I like mine to be relatively fine and I often "cure" it by keeping it in the grinder while it sits on top of my zap for a bit (maybe an hour) and then give it a final grind.

I've also recently begun using an ethanol bath for the tip of the tooty and have adopted a habit of regularly (sort of) rotating my tips from use to ethanol and back. I'm very new to tincture extraction and fairly new to cooking and wish I would have started both earlier. I love vapor for a variety of reasons, but there are many great ways to enjoy and vapor was just the start of the alternative to smoking methods that I learned about. I still prize vapor for many, many reasons, but cooking and capsulizing has serious merit, especially for medicinal users.

Which brings me to my question: Are there any dangers to consuming the ethanol that has had brass sitting in it for extended periods of time? Should I not leave the brass tip in the ethanol for more than ... 1 night or something?

Thanks and I look forward to any tips y'all can share.


Good to see you around and thanks for the post. I used to play the french horn too but only a short stint in grade school in the early '50s.
All of our brass used is RoHS lead free brass. I am sure your stem tips will be fine soaking in ethyl for any period of time.
We also still like the "blow out the plug" method for tip content removal. If properly packed and thoroughly vaped, the ABV plug will blow out of the tip, leaving the tip nice and clean. If the contents do not want to blow out, give the stem another pull or two and try again. We use a bottle with a narrow neck for storage. The ABV will blow out with no scatter as the stem is very close to the same diameter as the bottle neck.
Back on track today with very few interruptions is the plan. Bright eyed and bushy tailed with some redirected fire in the belly means lots of Zap work done today.


vapor accessory addict
Thought I would post about something I've had happen with my removable tips. I think these are the greatest, but some care needs to be taken so that they don't get stuck in your stem. If the removable tips are not rotated once in a while, or cleaned often, they can create a seal and get stuck in your stem. Now, I'm not talking about the stock stems; only the Tooties and the wood stems from Ed that have the removable tips. So, after they have cooled down from your use, maybe give them a little twist to make sure they don't fuse. ;)
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the ob

all good in the hood.
the zap and zaping in general is a great unit from a stealth standpoint. The mellow aesthetic and the lack of smell (because of the material not being combusted) makes it the perfect unit to use when others are around....

I would be careful using anything to "poke" the ABV out of the stem. you can easily poke a hole in the screen doing using this method.

on a personal note, I hope things are calming down for you and your family. family drama is no fun.
the ob,


ob, your package should be there Monday. Thanks for your patience.
We have had one Tooty experience so far where the tip was hard to pull out and the insert came out with the tip. We replaced the insert as the glass was fine and that customer is good to go but mom has an excellent point. It appears some of the famous goo we all like to reclaim can work its way into the fit between the tip and the insert causing the tip to be very difficult to remove, especially if it was a tight fit to begin with. Regular rotation of the tip as mom said plus removing and cleaning regularly should eliminate the problem. Pliers can be used but the tip will probably be destroyed if you squeeze much on the pliers. We will have replacement Tooty tips on the accessory page soon.


Well-Known Member
I cannot remove my stem tips when they have cooled (because of that goo). However, when heated they slide out easily. Of course this isn't an issue when they are clean.


Well-Known Member
I might be asking a question already asked but I was wondering if the aged myrtlewood that comes with the primo kit has any effect on the vapor produced by the MZ? Or is it just an aesthetic upgrade?


Lost in Thought
I would say its more asthetics than anything.
Your Zap will produce plenty of vapor to keep you content. Of course you can use the tips and tricks somewhere back in this thread :p

You will be pleased :)


The "old wood" as we call it is very dry. It goes through little or no "break in period". Not sure what exactly happens to the wood but she is so sweet to work with. It all just flows together so nicely. That wood will run out eventually.

An update on the family matter that has been such a distraction for us in the last week especially. An almost total reversal by the person jamming the flow. Now she has seen what is best for her family and we are so very happy for that. We now have a 10 yr old grandson here with his Dad that will be going to the same school his Dad and Uncle went to. We have communication. We are so blown away by what has happened in the last 9 hours or so that we cannot speak. Lotsa Gin has also contributed to that blankness. We are again so thankful for whatever happened to allow this to happen so quickly and easily.
We again missed a shipment or two but they will head out Monday. School even starts next Tuesday here in the boonies. This is beyond our wildest dreams. 10yr old is very happy.

AGBeer is right in that they all get to where they should be real soon. The old wood is there now.


vapor accessory addict
reece, I would still recommend twisting those tips after each use and cleaning them often. I had gotten lazy and left the tip in my Cocobolo tube without cleaning it. Didn't even think about it until a conversation with Rick. Checked it and sure enough, it was completely stuck. Heating the stem didn't budge it. I had to use pliers to get it out and pretty much trashed the tip. So, my feeling is, better safe than sorry. Doesn't take much effort to give it a little twist once it cools down and saves the angst of a stuck one. Didn't have this problem with my Tooties because I'm constantly cleaning them. I love the look of clean glass stems. But with the wood stem, I wasn't as "aware" since you can't see the resin build up.
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The bonding agent we use to secure the RoHS lead free brass insert in our glass Tooties is non toxic and will withstand 600 degrees F. We use a very small band of it at the very end of the glass. The insert will naturally wedge into the center tube of the glass because of the design so the only place we bond the insert is at the outer end rim of the glass. If you look closely at the end of a Tooty on our website, you will see the thin band of bonding material at the very end of the piece. For what it is worth, the vapor produced in Tootys goes from the stem tip directly into the center of the glass tube without even coming close to the non-toxic bonding material on the insert.
The same bonding material is used by others in this same application.
It is J-B Weld.


Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
reece, I would still recommend twisting those tips after each use and cleaning them often. I had gotten lazy and left the tip in my Cocobolo tube without cleaning it. Didn't even think about it until a conversation with Rick. Checked it and sure enough, it was completely stuck. Heating the stem didn't budge it. I had to use pliers to get it out and pretty much trashed the tip. So, my feeling is, better safe than sorry. Doesn't take much effort to give it a little twist once it cools down and saves the angst of a stuck one. Didn't have this problem with my Tooties because I'm constantly cleaning them. I love the look of clean glass stems. But with the wood stem, I wasn't as "aware" since you can't see the resin build up.

Thanks for the heads up, mom. Since mine won't move at all when cool, maybe it's getting close to being stuck. I do clean them pretty regularly but I may have to increase that a bit.


New Member
ever plan on making the tooties with a carb hole? i really want to pick one of those glass stems up soon.


I will be picking up another bunch of glass first thing in the morning. There should be several Tooties with carb holes in the batch.


Couple of announcements from Zapville that may be of some interest.
First, we now have Tootys with a carb hole near the bottom of the glass. I will get over to the store in a bit and offer that option on the Tootys.
Second and more important from our point of view is that we now offer a second hardwood choice besides Myrtlewood with Aromazaps. Two years ago a 'neighbor', 10 miles up the road called and said he had two Cherry trees he was having removed and was about ready to cut them into firewood but wondered if we might be interested since he knew we had a small bandmill and could make boards from the trees. So we bought the trees with no idea at the time what we would do with them. We sawed one big limb a few months back and made 4 Zap turning sticks, each 3" x 3" with about ten Zaps per stick. I just turned a couple of our first CherryZaps this past weekend and burned them in for a couple days. Very nice looking and function as the Cherry wood is slightly less dense than the Myrtle wood and should run as hot or hotter than the Myrtle. The wood even smells like cherries when turned on the lathe. We will offer them at the same price and options as the Myrtlezaps. The vapor is thick and proliferous.
This wood is truly recycled as it was minutes away from firewood blocks when we got the phone call.
Here are the first two CherryZaps, one with an led, one without. Our thanks to Tom who makes the PD for finding the most ideal wood, efficiency-wise, for log type vapes. We do have a large supply of this wood.


Well-Known Member
is this gonna be a regular now?! Or just a limited run? oh man

I might just have to order me another one soon


No limited run on these babies as they will be around for a long time. Many of the logs have small limbs, making small knots as you see in the one above on the left. Small knots are OK. Big knots suck heat. The one with the led is gone already, a local sale.

Ed's TnT

Those are definitely CHERRY pieces! Knots add character and personality, I love to make em work!

Great work Rick!
Ed's TnT,
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