Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
Yes @DrNick420 , I think OF explained it better than i ever could.

Nonsense. A combination of blind luck and many 'learning experiences' I can assure you.

You were fastest with the right answer. Why wasn't asked. IMO full points........

OK I will ask the ebay seller for an RMA replacement in that case. Wouldn't want a bad battery in the solo

If I could I'd sure ask what's going on. There might be an acceptable answer, although I can't think of one off hand. The standard for this class of battery (two cells in series) is for storage/delivery at about 70%. "Everyone does it" from makers of the cells on down. The thing I'd be most worried about is the balance. Such schemes depend on near perfect balance so the stronger cell doesn't beat the weak one to death. Should that be the case, your pack read 'discharged' and one half was more or less normal while the other in deep discharge there's no real way out of that. If you have a weak cell in the pack, or a out of spec PCB it's not going to work well either.

Building good packs is not easy nor do they use cheap parts.........building cheap ones that work for a while is though....

If the man says 'it should have got there at 2/3 charge not zero' I'd send it back. Past that it's your call on the risk/cost thing?

Good luck with it. At least it's better than it was? Can't always say that you know.........


Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
I just got a new laptop battery and there was a slip enclosed saying because of new regulations they were required to ship with 35% or less charge, (maybe 37, I'm not sure), and mine was at 33% when I installed it. Top quality stuff and it isn't critical over the short time postage takes anyway. If I can buy a 9 cell laptop battery that's about 30% over factory spec (it's 6600 mah) for less than $50 Canadian a Solo replacement that doesn't even have a case should cost as much as a nice lunch at my favourite pho' house, N'goc Van, or about 11 bux with tip. The disparity is no doubt related to volume.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm having an issue that I've never seen listed before. I press both buttons and let go, the 3 and 7 lights come on for a second then it shows the charge level, then nothing. No blue light at all. At first I was freaking out, but then I hit the up button to level 4 and it starts heating up.
Works like usual, and then both buttons again to power off. It's almost that the 3 and 7 are acting like the idle light....and of course I'm off to vacation with this, but hey, as long as it's working. ;)
Just wanted to document this problem for future reference.


I have a SOLO down here with very similar, ot exactly the same behavior! :) And, it's been working like a charm (expect for those lights misbehavior) for like a year. I believe I've seen someone report similar issue over here, but you know, there are so many pages in this topic, and also I keep on forgetting things....



Well-Known Member
420 is a time to celebrate!

So true. Then again, with this global community folks keep telling me we live in doesn't that mean we really have a 4:20 somewhere once an hour? So, if you factor in 'California Casual' where it's perfectly OK (in fact expected in some cases) to be half an hour early or late.........

A constant state of celebration? We're just doing it in shifts.....sorta.



Well-Known Member
My parents have those same corn holders from (at least) the 80's. For being plastic with metal prongs they are pretty durable, even ataxian can not destroy them. :D I may ask if I can snag one for myself. I think on the other side of them you can see the kernels but I can't remember for sure. Actually I think they are the same. I will try to get a pair this weekend. They might say no though. They are weird about them. I tried to get them to get some new ones for a long time and even said I would pay for them and they held steadfast. Those things have been dropped and stepped on, chewed by dogs, and yet good as new.

Usually I just use a basic real small stainless screwdriver. I think I am gonna get a small washer to cover the bowl so I can stir better without having to empty out the stem. But that's kind of lazy.

Solo with an extra 5-6 sessions, eh? Where did you get it, @Andreaerdna?


Well-Known Member

Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
Dollarama probably does 8 or 10 in a package. We made them in shop in grade 6 back in the 60's, the simplest project for the plastic injection machine. I must be getting spoiled, I'm not getting the good charge out of vaping now unless I use a water tool, it just isn't as good. This could be Take a Bubbler to Work Day, though I feel a little self-conscious now that the new security cameras are recording my every move.


Well-Known Member


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I have both the Air and the Solo. I prefer the Solo more often, it just feels better in my hands and I like temp 4 and 5.

If I really need stealth I pull out the Air, the lower temps I use mainly. I need to hit the higher temps using an extended mouthpiece like the vortex stem. I also interchange mouthpieces and have no issues with that.


Dollarama probably does 8 or 10 in a package. We made them in shop in grade 6 back in the 60's, the simplest project for the plastic injection machine. I must be getting spoiled, I'm not getting the good charge out of vaping now unless I use a water tool, it just isn't as good. This could be Take a Bubbler to Work Day, though I feel a little self-conscious now that the new security cameras are recording my every move.
I went to the DOLLAR STORE and paid $1.00 for 12 pairs.

My Mom & Dad left some Corn Textured end holders for corn.
They crack me up!

Laughing is a very healthy way to live.

After SOLOing GORILLA GLUE OG I laugh at everything.

@OF posted a link to the corn holders my parents left! (same ones)
@lookhigh the SOLO for me is perfect as well.
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Well-Known Member
I have found these plastic tooth picks to be very handy for stirring, poking through stem holes, and even scraping notches in Planetvape gongs. Cheap and easy. Sold at Walmart and CVS.

I`ve been using round wooden toothpicks for stirring for a long time now (the stronger ones). I like that I can empty a hot bowl without worrying about melting...and the wood will not damage the glass...
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Well-Known Member
I`ve been using round wooden toothpicks for stirring for a long time now (the stronger ones). I like that I can empty a hot bowl without worrying about melting...and the wood will not damage the glass...

One of my very favorite tools as well. But, as you say, they have to be good quality. In fact my favorite ones are the 'Japanese style' (only one point). Like these:

Not only do the shanks tend to be thicker, but the points are 'perfect' which can be a big help when you start digging at stuff. The other end is fun as well, a bit of a handle. No poking on your end. The Japanese sometimes break the end off at the first cut, lay the broken end on the table and use it as a rest for the rest of the toothpick keeping the gooey parts off the deck.



Well-Known Member
One of my very favorite tools as well. But, as you say, they have to be good quality. In fact my favorite ones are the 'Japanese style' (only one point). Like these:

Those look great...just like the ones I`m using but mine are double pointed...haven`t bought any in ages but I`ll have to check what the Dollar Store is stocking now (in terms of quality)...
The Amazon ones may be the way to go next time for me...


Well-Known Member
Those look great...just like the ones I`m using but mine are double pointed...haven`t bought any in ages but I`ll have to check what the Dollar Store is stocking now (in terms of quality)...
The Amazon ones may be the way to go next time for me...

You can get them other places, of course. I bought the last batch at a local Korean Market. It says I paid $1.39 for them......that was a while back (I use cheap Bamboo toothpicks for mixing epoxy and stuff since they tend to be stronger and don't 'just snap') but they still work just fine.



One of my very favorite tools as well. But, as you say, they have to be good quality. In fact my favorite ones are the 'Japanese style' (only one point). Like these:

Not only do the shanks tend to be thicker, but the points are 'perfect' which can be a big help when you start digging at stuff. The other end is fun as well, a bit of a handle. No poking on your end. The Japanese sometimes break the end off at the first cut, lay the broken end on the table and use it as a rest for the rest of the toothpick keeping the gooey parts off the deck.

You are brillant!

It's HOT!


Well-Known Member
Got my replacement battery for my 2 yr old black solo, changed it and back in action in less than 10 minutes. It seems 3 of the corners of the bottom plate are pretty broken now tho. I'd be keen to buy a new bottom for it if I can sometime.

I also got a new Silver solo in the same order and just gave that a run (after already letting a full cycle heat through with nothing in it).

Now I will feel a bit less pissed off if one totally breaks somehow as I will have a back up.
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