Well-Known Member
The SOLO works and is simple and I go by feel.......
Level 4 is my sweet spot!
Some like it cooler and some like it hotter.
Data is great however in this case you'll have to do what works for you!
I agree about going by feel, and eventually finding what's best over time.
Having got my first desktop vape a fortnight ago, and seeing how pale the ABV was from it when extraction was complete... I have now slowly graduated to the "Solo Level 4 Club"! (down from 5, I was originally 7!)
Still works great on 4, maybe everything tastes better for longer?
Although I admit, I often think of @CarolKing , and bump it to 5 towards the end, lovely!
But as I go on in this vaping journey, I can start to discern between the undesirable tastes and the desirable ones!
I smoked so many joint a day.
With the SOLO my mind works better.
Makes me think of the ones I did too, plus with horrible tobacco and no filter,
and "pollutants" in the (imported) material. It's horrific to think of and yes, I wish the Solo was around much sooner! Although it might have been very expensive, like the first mobile phones, it would have changed many things!
About the tobacco thing, I'm not from UK (not far), but I was laughing when I thought that perhaps it came about when they tried to roll joints from Moroccan black etc!
My sisters went on a holiday to Cali and Hawaii many years ago, and got weed but had a harder time getting rolling papers! I suppose it was a lot of bongs and pipes in the States back then too?
It crossed my mind that the Solo could be tried with tobacco, but I no longer need the foul stuff to function and live,
thank heavens! But it might be better than smoking the darned stuff for someone?
I did try some evergreen type of pine or fir leaves in the Solo once, it was fresh and steamy so not too great but I got some ok tastes! I probably should have checked if it was safe first!
The Solo has helped me secure a tobacco free future for myself, all I need to do now is work on the fact that I share a house with others who get through about 40 cigs a day between them!
And thank goodness,
I dont have to put car tyres and donkey poo in my Solo lately, I can go mobile with BmK or Cm YESSS!!