Dr. Soxhlet
SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
Need to get one of those someday, but I just upgraded my EQ and PerseiLevel 4 then I bump up to 5 towards the last 5 minutes of my session - usually have a ten min session. If I'm using the vortex stem I start out at 4 then quickly move to temp 5. Then finish the last few minutes on temp 6. The vortex stem is longer and has a vortex pocket that cools the vapor.
It's all good with the Solo. There are many different stems available so you can mix things up a bit.
Don't bet the house on cannabis being lowered on the Federal schedule of narcotics.
My daughter in law 's grandfather was on the Shaffer commission that suggested to NIXON to decriminalize cannabis over 40 years ago!!
Tomatoes have no schedule, neither should cannabis.
Nixon was part of the criminal corporate conspiracy to keep this plants' potential from undermining their chemical kingdom.
If the states had not started legalizing for medical reasons, we would not be having this conversation. The Solo and other vaporizers are just one example of how this plant will transform our world. Change is coming, amazing to have the internet, so we can all watch it happen: