Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
How is it an upgrade?

Pretty subjective, for sure. IMO not an 'upgrade' or 'new and improved' as much as a different set of compromises. Shorter battery life, but replaceable. Smaller size with less temperature control and worse 'battery meter'. And so on.

Not everything 'new and improved' is's your local 7/11 stock of "New Coke"?

For some Air is a better vape, others will find Solo more to their liking. IMO each guy has to educate himself and make up his own mind. This is not a good time for letting others make that call for you.

Lucky for us we have such choices, more lucky still for those that can get both?



Well-Known Member
Really? The solo should have no problem milking a bubbler. Get better bud and use higher temps and you'll get a good milk no special lighting required.

That is something I was thinking about, I bought the solo used on ebay, the vapor is not very visible even with good quality herb and on level 7 heat. I was thinking of getting a 2015 solo for around 119 on ebay but new this time.


Pretty subjective, for sure. IMO not an 'upgrade' or 'new and improved' as much as a different set of compromises. Shorter battery life, but replaceable. Smaller size with less temperature control and worse 'battery meter'. And so on.

Not everything 'new and improved' is's your local 7/11 stock of "New Coke"?

For some Air is a better vape, others will find Solo more to their liking. IMO each guy has to educate himself and make up his own mind. This is not a good time for letting others make that call for you.

Lucky for us we have such choices, more lucky still for those that can get both?

I think I will buy another SOLO.
I DON'T walk around with a wine glass!


Well-Known Member
That is something I was thinking about, I bought the solo used on ebay, the vapor is not very visible even with good quality herb and on level 7 heat. I was thinking of getting a 2015 solo for around 119 on ebay but new this time.

Ok , this time I'm pretty sure .
Your Solo is def. Not functioning properly .
Like rakka says , you should be able to milk it at 7 .
And see dense vapor clouds .

Get a new one from Puffitup * US *
or Planetvape * Can * and report back please ,
Solo's reputation is riding on you ... jk


Pobre payaso
Solo( or air) is a much better choice than flowermate,IMO

IMO as well. As a measure I suggest there's a clue in the FM thread coming up on 100 pages, this one's over thirteen hundred........

Even Air is over 200, and it's only been out half as long as FF.

Serious consideration of Solo is my advice. There's a lot of mighty happy campers with 'em out there. And lots of us with more than one?


I own one of each and I like them both,...but for different reasons...
The FM is the one that goes out with me and is just dead easy to use on the go...gets the job done nicely too...

The Solo was my second vape and all I can say is that I wish I hadn`t waited so long to get one!

+1 for Solo.:tup:.... I own 2, just replaced batteries in both, after more than a year of extremely heavy use:shrug:
Thanks everyone for all the feedback!

I like how portable the flowermate is but I won't be taking it anywhere since I smoke alone at night, but the fact that it has a place for the stem is really nice.

How do you guys store the stems on the solo?

I've been reading thru this thread but honestly is so long that I don't know where to start :o :D

2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
Another day passes and no 18mm shorty gongs at planet vape. Hoping to have one in hand for the holidays at this point
2 Cycle,


Well-Known Member
I like how portable the flowermate is but I won't be taking it anywhere since I smoke alone at night, but the fact that it has a place for the stem is really nice.

How do you guys store the stems on the solo?

That would make it a no brainer in favor of the Solo for me then...if you don`t need the easier portability of the FM then the Solo is definitely the way to go! has travel tubes for straight stems and I use eyeglasses cases for the bent stems.

Travel caps are good too, as I can load stems in advance and not worry about spilling the load...also available at


Pretty subjective, for sure. IMO not an 'upgrade' or 'new and improved' as much as a different set of compromises. Shorter battery life, but replaceable. Smaller size with less temperature control and worse 'battery meter'. And so on.

Not everything 'new and improved' is's your local 7/11 stock of "New Coke"?

For some Air is a better vape, others will find Solo more to their liking. IMO each guy has to educate himself and make up his own mind. This is not a good time for letting others make that call for you.

Lucky for us we have such choices, more lucky still for those that can get both?

The SOLO is way more powerful!


Well-Known Member
Ok , this time I'm pretty sure .
Your Solo is def. Not functioning properly .
Like rakka says , you should be able to milk it at 7 .
And see dense vapor clouds .

Get a new one from Puffitup * US *
or Planetvape * Can * and report back please ,
Solo's reputation is riding on you ... jk

Already bought a new 2015 one off eBay, silver this time. I thought the thin vapor was normal but I guess not. the one I have doesn't work plugged in, but this new one will.


Well-Known Member
That is something I was thinking about, I bought the solo used on ebay, the vapor is not very visible even with good quality herb and on level 7 heat. I was thinking of getting a 2015 solo for around 119 on ebay but new this time.

That $119 price tag is just enough of a cost difference to turn my head from the Air. Is that seller 100% legit and for sure an authorized dealer? I know there have been some shady deals on ebay with knock offs of some models and what not. It's definitely the best price on a Solo I think I've seen so far.

If the only difference really is portability, I wouldn't mind paying $40 less for a Solo but there seem to be people on both sides saying that one hits better than the other.


Well-Known Member
If the only difference really is portability, I wouldn't mind paying $40 less for a Solo but there seem to be people on both sides saying that one hits better than the other.

No, I seriously doubt that. For sure if I'd have 'heard' that I'd have disagreed strongly. IMO they are basically identical from a performance standpoint. They use exactly the same stems (they interchange) in very similar ovens at the same temperatures. I challenge anyone to do a 'blindfold' test and tell one from the other.

IMO you've somehow picked up some lame 'facts' from the web.......not at all uncommon?


Dr. Soxhlet

SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
No, I seriously doubt that. For sure if I'd have 'heard' that I'd have disagreed strongly. IMO they are basically identical from a performance standpoint. They use exactly the same stems (they interchange) in very similar ovens at the same temperatures. I challenge anyone to do a 'blindfold' test and tell one from the other.

IMO you've somehow picked up some lame 'facts' from the web.......not at all uncommon?

There are a few advantages in the Air's favor:

Smaller size and mainstream looking design for a better "stealth factor".
Ability to swap batteries easily.
Single battery-no special battery pack.
New mouthpiece design.

Since I live in a "legal" state, getting caught in public is usually only a fine;
so the cup trick does the trick for me, stealth is not a huge deal.
The longer use time and lower price convinced me to get another Solo.
Besides the agony of having to choose black or silver was solved.
I now have one of each.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree that in a blind tasting I think it would be very difficult for me to tell my Solo and Air apart.
They are both extremely good vapes and should both be able to provide enough clouds to satisfy most expectations. Once I get to green temperatures on the Solo or the Air I already see some very light "burning" if I have filled the bowl to the brim (I just stuff in un-ground buds)

I think the choice between the two mainly has to do with usage. If you need to travel around then the Air with extra batteries is a great choice and if you mainly use it at home then the Solo maybe a better choice.

I am lucky enough to have both and I notice that even at home I generally use the Air, just fits nicely in the hand, but its also great that when my wife has the Air I can grab the Solo.


Well-Known Member
That $119 price tag is just enough of a cost difference to turn my head from the Air. Is that seller 100% legit and for sure an authorized dealer? I know there have been some shady deals on ebay with knock offs of some models and what not. It's definitely the best price on a Solo I think I've seen so far.

If the only difference really is portability, I wouldn't mind paying $40 less for a Solo but there seem to be people on both sides saying that one hits better than the other.

They mention "

They have over 10,000 feedback, 99.3% positive

I would post the link here, but im not sure if that is allowed on FC.



Well-Known Member
No, I seriously doubt that. For sure if I'd have 'heard' that I'd have disagreed strongly. IMO they are basically identical from a performance standpoint. They use exactly the same stems (they interchange) in very similar ovens at the same temperatures. I challenge anyone to do a 'blindfold' test and tell one from the other.

IMO you've somehow picked up some lame 'facts' from the web.......not at all uncommon?


Yeah, I wasn't too sure what to make of it after reading these two articles:

It kind of seems like it's more of a comparison of the included stems rather than the units themselves. One article saying that the Solo stems are better because they're longer and provide cooler vapor while the other says the plastic tipped Air stem is better because it has better airflow/less resistance. So I don't know, both cooler vapor and easy draws are important for me.

I'm hoping those articles are just over analyzing the situation but the longer Solo stems are more appealing to me. I know the stems are interchangeable with each model but it's nice to get the right ones off the bat without having to buy anything extra like a Vortex stem.

I'm also hoping the whole "hard draw" of the Solo thing is being exaggerated. Has there been any improvement with the 2015 models?

Grim Chiclets

Well-Known Member
The draw through the Air is still quite a bit easier, compared a new Air to my '15 Solo just last night.
If you're worried about what stems to use, get 1 of the stems for the Air if you get the Solo, or get an Air stem if you get a Solo- best of both worlds (if you get the bent stem :lol:)
I prefer the Solo actually, the draw restriction fits the heat retention a little better I feel; the Air seemed to brown it a bit less at max temp than my Solo did at 6 (the Air was 9F higher too). Probably due to us pulling out the heat more easily than the tanky Solo.
User preference is what it boils down to, really.


Well-Known Member
It kind of seems like it's more of a comparison of the included stems rather than the units themselves.

I'm also hoping the whole "hard draw" of the Solo thing is being exaggerated. Has there been any improvement with the 2015 models?

I agree, folks confuse stems for the units they're plugged into sometimes. The stems interchange, using the same stem on Solo is 'identical' to that stem on Air. The units are basically the same.

Yes, restriction was removed (basically eliminating the 'advantage' of PVHES IMO) but that's not necessarily an advantage. Ever wonder why they made it so restricted to start with? They're not stupid you know......

It's really a false perception, you don't get any more vapor per minute......that's set by the heat provided to the load, not how much extra cold air is drawn in. It makes 'hitting it hard and fast' but the hits are thinner (yes, I know I'm about to get hit with a bunch of negative response but that's what the rules of science say happens). Hits are easier but thinner. Drawing more cold air into the load simply 'steals' heat that would otherwise make vapor. Hit it hard enough and vapor drops to nearly zero.

With that change we also got 'use while charging', IMO a poor exchange. True PA has some real advantage. If you're lucky enough to find an 'old style' (used) I'd jump on it, you can always buy a PVHES to 'correct' the restriction if you want but the new style is harder on the battery, and can lead to earlier failure....much earlier for those who 'keep it plugged in all the time, so it's always ready to go'. I'm sure you know laptops and cell phones that now have very short battery life from this? Simply storing it at 100% will kill the battery early even if you never use it.


Grim Chiclets

Well-Known Member
Anyone else use their Solo with their glass like this?


It's a lot easier than having to pull out the GonG every time. (My carb is covered with some tape).
I do, but I don't have a GonG at all, so I just use a bit of old SSV tubing slipped over the end and mate it to a 14mm joint; or even to an 18-14 reducer, then whip adapter.


Active Member
Hey every one .. i am new in here and have been filling myself up on anything i can get my hands on about solo particularly .. got to know FC is a great place to do just that .. I came to know about Puffitup and how they have a great service record with many of you who bought their units from them. I heard they do a price beat as well ..

Now i actually am from India and to my disappointment saw PIU isn't shipping to India .. :huh:

Now i left a message to the folks there if they can make an exception ship a unit to my address .. :|

What do you think guys could this work i haven't heard from em in like more than 12 hours now .. wrote to ( ) .. And if i get a negative from there.. can you recommend a place who ships worldwide?

I really dont want to take any chances getting unit off of ebay not because i think the units are not legit .. just that i want to be sure these are latest and i get good service in case the unit brakes or something.
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