New Member
Stupid question but 18 or 14? Thanks by the way that was exactly what I was looking for.
Stupid question but 18 or 14? Thanks by the way that was exactly what I was looking for.
Stupid question but 18 or 14? Thanks by the way that was exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks bro you are boss!18 for your HidraLine.
You bought a new solo because you were worried about a minute amount of glass dust? Why not just take it apart? Very easy to do. You dont even have to take it all apart, just take the cap off and examine it. Compressed air can be your friend.Quick question for anyone with an opinion on a problem I ran into. My gOg stem broke while inside my solo and while removing the broken glass I am worried some tiny glass particles got stuck into the various crevices in the oven. I already have ordered a new solo because I am not comfortable with using it frequently right now. I always filter through my bong but glass particles and lungs can be a little frightening. So soon I will have two solos, but one will be of dubious quality due to the possibility of broken glass shards around the oven area.
Is there any way to really clean my oven so I can be fairly positive I have gotten rid of any glass that resulted from the broken stem? Will it ever be a good idea to use it in the future? If anyone could help me think through this problem I will send good vibes. Thanks.
In my opinion a 14mm PVHE GonG (I like the standard one) with a pinnacle hydro tube. I like the tube because it keeps the flavor while also cooling hits and I also seem to have a much quicker high with water pipes than dry. Also a jyarz container depending on how much bud you keep (1/8 or lower fits in a jyarz). Also a quality grinder is very helpful (I like santa cruz shredder).Hi everyone,
I was reading through this forum for a few months after having my eye on the solo for over a year and finally picked one up. In your opinion(s), where do I start with accesories?
Hi everyone,
I was reading through this forum for a few months after having my eye on the solo for over a year and finally picked one up. In your opinion(s), where do I start with accesories?
water cools the vapor allowing for bigger hits.also, i never really understood the purpose of bubbling vapor. with smoke you are trying to lower the tar/other toxins, but since vapor is purely cannibinoids what are. the perks to it?
Sounds great. I'm surprised they're not more popular.
They allow you to use the highest temps then, right?
And give more of an even vape throughout the bowl??
My Solo has finally arrived!......Can someone tell me what to check for to make sure you haven't received a faulty unit?
so I just got word my solos getting delivered today. so ancccy
just wondering what I should do upon unpackaging, heard some people talking about running it through some heat cycles first.
1st thing i will do is fully charge it, then inspect, maybe runn it on 7 for a bit then do I just blast her?
anyone with tips on first use it is much appreciated
so I just got word my solos getting delivered today. so ancccy
just wondering what I should do upon unpackaging, heard some people talking about running it through some heat cycles first.
1st thing i will do is fully charge it, then inspect, maybe runn it on 7 for a bit then do I just blast her?
anyone with tips on first use it is much appreciated
Where are people getting these ceramic screens and what size do I need? often use these honeycomb screens (not too thick at all). First pack your bowl, then place screen over the pack. It doesn't effect the draw at all.
LOL!!! i don't know how many times this question is asked in this thread by NEW receivers of the solo. it has to be alot!!!!
here ya go
Then before I went to bed i figured I would try a load on heat 4 just to check. After giving it a minute of two to stabilize I started puffing away. It seemed to work as expected but I will have to check it out on temp 7 tonight before deciding whether or not to warranty it.
Yea it is just confusing to me that in the time it takes for my M1A1 solo to reach temp 2 the new M1C1 can reach temp 6-7. I thought that was way too quick to be actually heating but like I said when I was testing it seemed to be producing hits normal to temp 4. Maybe they have improved the heat up time or the new unit is more 'fresh' and thus can heat up faster than my worn in one. I will definitely be reporting back this evening after I try it out some more.IIRC you're not the first to report this, which makes perfect sense to me from a nerd POV.....doesn't seem to satisfy some though does it? Their unit is doing just what it's supposed to do, just doesn't look like the next guys ?
Fun failure, but I'm not sure it's really significant, let alone fatal.
Thanks. Good luck with it. Works neat, don't it?