Hello to all forum members! I ordered and just received my first vaporizer: Arizer SOLO.

Before these days I never used vaporizers in my life, but I decided to retire from combustion and i'm fully satisfied. After a week that i'm using my SOLO and thorough reading all of the tricks and tips written by you here, I have bought from the site planetvape.ca the SS screens "Fine" and "X fine" for the draw side and the O-ring to prevent the stem comes off. ( @
samirfuzzywuzzy I'm a damn! I was not able to read your deal first

I'm still learning how to use my SOLO and your advice improving my learning curve.
ataxian you advice to use a Honeycomb screen against the heater in the bottom of the bowl to avoid excessive heating of the material inside, and decrease the flavor of burnt popcorn, right? Or is it better to use a daisy glass screen into the stem of the SOLO?! Can you post me a link of where I could buy them?
Because I use a fairly dry material and it happened that i feel, at level 3/4, a little 'flavor of popcorn after 5/6 hits. This is Normal? is this the real problem? my herbs must not be in contact with the end of the bowl?