Thank you so much Snappo for your quick reply and your direct links.
I am planning to order the Pinnacle Water Attachment, but regarding the PVHEGONG, is the one I need:
PVHEGonG 14MM Shorty
PVHEGonG 14MM Turbo (+$1.50)
PVHEGonG 14MM Shorty Turbo (+$1.50)
14.4 mm Micro-shower Water Tool Attachment $ 50
At planetvape. Any promo codes?
PV Code is
FCLOVE10 (other codes for specific purchaes, they have a forum thread here with the link to the codes.) the FC10 code basically gives free shipping to the US.
I use the PVHEGonG 14mm Shorty and 18mm Shorty. Love them both. 14mm is for the f-BOMB or pinWT, 18mm is for other glass etc... Love the PVHE GonGs, but they are not all 100% exact same size and not all Solos are exactly the same so there can be fitting issues for people sometimes.
Just wondered if anyone else has reeeeaaaaally loose 14mm Shorty GonGs..
when clearing the tube sometimes the GonG comes with it
With bubblers etc where the GonG is inverted it is not so much of an issue, as I just leave the GonG attached to the bubbler and remove the Solo...
My non shorty GonGs are nice and tight.
I am using o-rings as fact I have found I can squish two o-rings under my Solo cap and this stops the issue with my shorty GonGs but then I can't get any of my other stems/GonGs in lol...
My 18mm Shorty PVHE Gong is slightly looser than my 14mm. I think it's just the 2 variances, Solo variance and glass variance. There is s +/- I believe
instead of pimping out the solo with a lot of accessories,
we would instead use that money towards a desktop vape, like the volcano, SS, Da Buddha, and possibly also buy a more portable vape, like the pax.
The solo just isn't hitting either of us very strong and usually requires us to do 4 sessions and packing it twice. So each small bowl is used for TWO 12 minute sessions that we both vape from.
I just bought the pinnacle water attachment so when I get that, I will see if it helps by itself, then maybe buy the PVHEGonG adapter if I can't the attachment and the stock stem to play nice.
It takes me 2x 12 min sessions of Shorty to get through, but that includes heat up time. I've found that 2x sessions is often overload because what I really 'needed' was 1.3 sessions
I would think that with 2 people, it would definitely stretch out the time it takes. Which is exactly in line with your thinking about desktop. IMO Cloud EVO is promising some nice things... we shall see. It will be my first 'desktop'
I've tried both and find the Pax to be more powerful, and if you use a screen I get thicker vapor from the Pax from the same 0.1-0.15g bowl size, but I did like the taste of the solo. I hope that's how my Could tastes!
Pax is slick looking, portable, and hits very hard on high. But those hard hits are the result of mostly conduction heating and not as 'clean' as more convection based vaping. Which is partly why the clouds can get so thick and dank with a Pax.
However those thick, dank clouds on a PAX = major heat and throat irritation for those of us that are sensitive. If you can't do straight stem on 7 without irritation, no way you can do PAX on high, IMO PAX hits were hotter than SOLO.
Either way, you'd need a water tool to cool it. There is a PAX thread you can read up on it. Basically it's a great stealth device if you can get it to work and stay working the way you want.
As far as Solo accessories, people here swear by the chargers Pipes and Tim make, turns the Solo into a pseudo mini desktop vape. It seems that the Solo works better with 80%+ Charge, and if you let the charge get too low it may lose some efficiency (someone please correct me if I am revising historic research)
But in terms of accessories, IMO once you get a GonG you like, you're pretty much set and free to then do whatever you want. Big giant water tube, tiny mini tube, J-Hook/Ashcatcher, Ed's Wood Stems... whatever you'd like.
I personally see no need for a $50 case for the Solo. Others would use it all the time.
I'm kinda glad I didn't have vaping in college, don't think I would have made it out in 4 years if I had a nice glass bubbler and a solo to keep me busy.