Here's the water n cotton theory at work: Small tuft of 100% cotton, wet pretty thoroughly, then approx. 3/4 squeezed out. Shaped to mouth of GonG and pressed in about 1/2 inch (pic shows differently than when used to vape). Set level @ 6.
Draw was not impacted significantly! Rips came through the H2O/cotton noticeably cooler, allowing for a fuller rip before cough impulse. Exhale very nice cloud! Overall Rating: 9.3 vs. David Goldstein Micro Fritted Disc Bubbler. IMPRESSIVE!
EDIT: One additional VERY INTERESTING thing was noticed - when the inside of my top lip came into contact with the H2O/cotton, it became very hot! This PROVES that the filter is removing HEAT before the throat!
Draw was not impacted significantly! Rips came through the H2O/cotton noticeably cooler, allowing for a fuller rip before cough impulse. Exhale very nice cloud! Overall Rating: 9.3 vs. David Goldstein Micro Fritted Disc Bubbler. IMPRESSIVE!
EDIT: One additional VERY INTERESTING thing was noticed - when the inside of my top lip came into contact with the H2O/cotton, it became very hot! This PROVES that the filter is removing HEAT before the throat!

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