Planetvape has a nice clear shot ofitLooks like a leptop PSU ...
Can you please supply me a picture with input and output written on it?
Also found out that my m1d (like my old m107) has a "ticking/clicking" sound which i've now confirmed is the ceramic heater. I wish Arizer could have told me this, would have saved me alot of time, money, and grief.
Question for you guys, when i turn my solo on and put it against my ear, i hear a faint clicking sound when its heating up below setting 3. Is this a malfunction? I'd hate to send it in after only a good month of usage, especially since i'll be vapeless for a month then probably.
google wasn't much help and the search function only gave me 2 results, one from somebody saying they sent it in, the other person said
I advise buying Power Adapters from Planet Vape. They have the best list price and the 10% discount makes them the cheapest retailer I know for this particular piece of kit.Linky dinky, that's what the thread is about. Helpful is a big deal.
Although its entertaining when someone comes in here and trashes us all.
What makes you mad Dreamerr? I just got tired of constantly having to remember to plug the Solo in... No more cannabis-crash nightsI have the power supply on my wish list....woohoo
The solo battery makes me mad so now the plug is a necessity.
Ok, thats a relief! I was about to open it up to see if i could find anything out of the ordinary, but i'll just keep it nice n closed then. Thx kingofnull!
hey guys im also hearing a ticking/farting coming out of my solo ... when i bring the solo close to my ear I can hear it clearly but even when its far...this and the power lights bug...could it be connected or all have a noise coming out?
edit: no way ive heard this noise before when I know Amsterdam I used it without a screen...with a stock stem I have gotten there...could this just be ABV?
It's just the SS heating... Most of the times it's there for me too!
The same thing that makes you mad. I don't seem to have this issue with the other vapes. I guess sometimes the solo and I have a love hate relationship. I am plugging it in usually twice a day and I use other vapes and don't even plug them in daily. I still have to send that email but I am not in a rush since they are out of stock on the stems I want and as you stated in the other thread the mail is hell.
Nooo!!! I just broke my PVHES stem...and I've only had it a few weeks![]()
WTH Tweek ??!!
I've yet to break 'any' of the stems, and I'm constantly dropping them on hardwood floors, desks, as well as doing the ever fun ooooops juggle juggle juggle plunks off of something in the room.
Sorry to hear ! Which one was it that shall now go off to vape heaven ?
Ahh bummer about the stem. ^^
As far as the Model M1axx series,anything issues about them?
A friend is looking to get one and was hoping to get him a M107. What models do Puffitup have currently?
Need a spare?Nooo!!! I just broke my PVHES stem...and I've only had it a few weeks![]()
Those things are thick. I always thought all this glass stuff would be more delicate then a glass but it is the same. At first I was treating them like they were crystal but no they are just glass and thick at that. I am sure I will bang one eventually on the side of my nightstand but it will take a pretty good whack to break it unless I happen to hit it at the weak spot.