Revolting Peasant
Close- it's limescale!OhTheAgony said:I think the white streaks aren't scratches but a lime (not sure if I translated this word properly to english but I can't come up with better word right now, edit: scale perhaps?)

I don't get any, but then my water is very soft- our source is a small burn (stream) off the mountain and so pretty close to rain water. It can freeze in the winter, and nearly dry up in a dry summer spell (never totally dry yet though), but it does mean that it's pure unadulterated water (it's still filtered and UV'd in the house) with minimal mineral content. (sheep/deer shit is another matter- we get the water tested and e-coli comes up bad after storms- glad of the UV treatment then!)
But woth my stems I've just been sticking it in the dishwasher every now and then. Doesn't clean it pristine, but 95%. Sometimes a bit left in there at the bottom. Not been too bothered about reclaiming from these, and haven't bothered at all. I also should say that I normally don't even bother to stir with the Solo and just dump it after the first run is done. It's a bit wasteful, but it's not easy to stir whilst in the stem, and emptying and repacking is just too much effort for lazy ol' me (at least whilst I've got adequate supplies).