I had a big long reply, and I paused to compare having loaded a PD stems worth into my Solo... came back and my post was gone
Anyway having done the test I'm confident in saying that I don't believe that there's anything to gain by owning a log vape as well. Except a pretty and reliable alternative vape to run 24/7 for periods when the solo was charging. That's good enough justification for me at least

But the Solo is just as 'efficient' with the small amounts, and maybe even more so seeing as you can up the temp for a more complete extraction. The bowl is bigger, and so there's the temptation to load more, but for me that just means less stems- I'd have maybe 3-6 PD stems in a session , whereas the Solo it's 1-3. I
don't have scales, but the PD load seemed to be around 1/3 of a full Solo stem.
That said I'm not even a week into ownership yet and so am still experimenting and forming my opinions. But I am very impressed from a functionality point of view. I will say in addition to other peoples comments about the charging position that this unit would be so much better if it charged on some kind of small base station- just like my electric shaver or toothbrush. Super easy to slot onto the stand, and means that the unit would't be laying on it's side to charge. I might even see what I can make from a block of wood, but it won't match with the ultra sleek modern design of the unit! lol.
Battery life is an issue for an all day vaper like myself- really I need 2 units on rotation- one in use whilst the other is charging, but that's an expensive solution when I've got lots of other vapes in the house. If I didn't though I'd seriously consider buying another

. Modular batteries would be an even better solution.
The loose glass stems have actually really grown on me. According to my other half they do look a bit out of place, but I actually think that they're a pretty good design in most respects. And I'm getting to like to loosness of the fit- it's pretty easy to steady with one finger. I don't use any extra screens- I just haven't found the need to yet- and have just been packing into the stem as it comes.
If it wasn't for the battery life I think I would be giving full marks.