Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
Was considering getting a solo2 for the battery life as a natural progression of my VAS eventuall, but if it's really not that much better it sounds like a second solo might be a better option. Although I'm not sure getting a second solo will satisfy that VAS twinge, but worst comes to worst then I just end up with 2 solos and a solo2! Cant lose!


Well-Known Member
I figure I made it and as long as the wife likes it............spend away.

Good philosophy. My mother bought a new car when she retired and had one of those 'made to order' license plate frames made that said "This is my kid's inheritance". Loved it.

There isn't much difference but I still use my Solo II more than my Solo I.

I did for a while, when I first got it. I found it a bit easier to hold onto. Now I use which ever I find first. Having two Solo Is out and only one II, Solo I gets the most use? My little bubbler stem from PIU, probably my favorite, is usually found on one of the Solo Is (nice to have the added moisture). For some reason the Solo II usually has the plastic topped stem from Air?



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I'm His_highness and I'm a Solo hoarder.....

My 2013/2014 Solo is still my favorite Solo and still lasts for an hour and half, my 2017/2018 Solo was sent in for support and a new one arrives tomorrow and I bought a new 2018 Solo as a gift but that was weeks ago.

I had to promise the budget coordinator that I won't buy anymore Solos and will give the one I bought as a gift to the person I bought it for.......soon.


Well-Known Member
Just shook out some nicely cured kief for the first run.........I really like kief in these units.

I can assure you you're not alone. Along with that goes bubble hash with enough herb to keep it from making a mess. Or all manner of concentrates in a bit of cotton......... Special thanks to @Vitolo on that one, he pioneered 'wand hash' and other condensates being revaped again in a tuft of cotton. Some insist on only Japanese organic grown cotton, others 'look for the bug' on organic brands, some of us steal it from pill jars (hey, has to be medical grade there, right?) by our own 'Sage of the High Desert' just plucks the end off a handy q-tip and gets to it.



Semi shaved ape
I pack with empty dry kief hollow out the center roll a bb sized piece of concentrate stick in center cover with kief.............viola.
Just keeps on going and going..............I really appreciate the medicinal qualities that way.
Just stops the spasms Instantly for me and is a tasty treat to boot.


Well-Known Member
I forget who (@OF?) advised me to get a QTQC-SOLO-BUBB water stem from Puffitup, but it was an act of kindness. Great piece. And those guys deliver FAST. Thanks!

I believe I'm guilty.....and know you're right. Does a great job for it's size and doesn't spill. That part amazes me, very clever. The 'water traps' at top and bottom are very effective.

Glad you like it. Very handy when you're in the mood or your throat isn't.

Also spot on with PIU. While some other Delers are fast, IMO it's not possible to beat PIU. It's probably different for longer distances (a couple hundred here), but I have got stuff in the next day's mail! Customer Service is also 'second to none'. Add in Randy being a strong and long time supporter of these here Forums and PIU becomes a first place place to spend your hard earned money as I see it.

Feels good doing business with an outfit like that.......and that has value to me.



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Sent my 8 month old Solo to POTV when it started malfunctioning (Less than an hour on a full charge, wouldn't charge to level 7, stopped heating sometimes at level 2). Free new unit, free shipping to POTV and back. They got the malfunctioning one late Monday and I got the new unit today/Saturday morning.

Doing the break-in-dance right now.......charging to full and then letting it continue to charge for another couple hours followed by a few high temp burn-offs. I call it the break-in-dance because I'm shifting from one foot to another while waiting. Yeah...I got another Solo that works great but I always get excited before kissing the new girl. And no, the one I bought as a gift hasn't been gifted yet but I really am going to ..... soon.....I swear.......


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Sorry for the back to back posts...... couldn't edit above.....

Just wanted to shout out....The replacement Solo does what I expect from my Solos which is starting off with 3 sessions at battery level 7 after a charge!!!! The one I sent in wouldn't even charge to battery level 7 but the force is strong with the new one. My 2013/2014 Solo still does 3 sessions at level 7 after a charge.

Love me some Solo!


Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
Well, VAS you demon God, you got me again. I've been planning a vacation with family next month and more and more of them are into cannabis. SURPRISE. But I only have on-demand vaporizers and I've not had good experiences with unexperienced vaporists and on-demand units.

I needed something that I could set the temp, hand it to them, and say "it's like breathing through a straw". And then leave them alone as they begin their search for Space Jesus. But I needed something that I'd like too, and this is really the only 'session' vape that lifted my skirt at all.

I've been looking at so many session vapes but so few appealed to me. Arizer has such a great reputation, and after lurking here and getting feedback from some owners, I decided to pull the trigger on a Solo direct from Arizer. And I can't believe the deal, <$110 to my door. Sold, done.

And of course, now I can't wait to give it a go.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Arizer has such a great reputation, and after lurking here and getting feedback from some owners, I decided to pull the trigger on a Solo direct from Arizer. And I can't believe the deal, <$110 to my door. Sold, done.

And of course, now I can't wait to give it a go.

Don't forget the initial start up routine:
- Charge to full the first time charged and then let it continue to charge for a couple more hours.
- Max temp burn off(s) to get rid of any robot farts (Mine haven't required more than one burn off)
- Optional but recommended - Put a stainless steel screen in the glass stems. Screens go in the short opening where the herb goes.

Also - the Solo can be used while charging but it's not recommended as it stresses the batteries.

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