Only because it's easier to clean out a hot/warm stem in relation to one that's cooled, would advise storing in a separate container. (eventually, you may find another use for ABV as well).Need some advice from those more experienced on how to be most efficient with my Solo use. I typically medicate just before bed to help calm down from the grind of the day. That said, with a full shorty PVES stem I only need 3-4 draws on level 4 dry to do the trick. However, I don't know what to do w/ the remainder.
After my 3-4 draws should I just shut the Solo down and leave everything in there until next time (sometimes a week or so goes by between sessions), should I keep a separate container for 'half used' product, or what?
Question regarding a scratched oven... for background, I had a solo a month ago that wasn't heating up enough. I sent in for warranty and got a new replacement. I have been using the PVHES GonG exclusively with this (used several times in the old unit with no scratching) and noticed that it has scratched a ring into my solo oven. Any ideas how that happened? The GonG doesn't seem rough on the edges at all...
One thing I notice is that even with the o-ring added the stem still wiggles a lot inside, not sure if that has anything to do with it... If it's not big deal that's fine but not sure if i'm inhaling anything coming off the scratched surface.
Here is a pic of the oven and a pic of the pvhes gong (also to show how dirty it is with regards to my smell question earlier)
Try taking a wooden toothpick, dipping in ISO (rubbing alcohol) and going back and forth crossing that black ring to see if a small section of the ring gets removed. (Don't try right at the oven holes initially).