I busted out my Solo, while reading your flavour-country posts about it this morning and put some 0.1 of a nicely cured sun fed auto Sativa hybrid with very pleasant taste in my GonG stem while preheating my M1A3XXX old friend... I had a wispy first hit despite leaving the stem in for a half a minute to warm up, then a more satisfying second one and an underwhelming third. Then I went to 6 and got a stale flavored wispy fourth. Then I bumped it to 7 and got nearly nothing... I took out the stem and the load was relatively blond. What? Then I busted the Lotus from it's pouch and loaded the spent load in its pipe. I got some toast taste and some little vapor so I knew the Solo had done an ok-ish extraction despite the blond ABV.
I wasn't there yet so I loaded .05 in the Lotus and took a couple of veeery satisfying hits that made my eyes wet and realized once again why the Solo doesn't get much use these days... The taste was so much better in the Lotus and the vapor was thicker and more! The load is still green in there and I am feeling out of space. And I have taken the same buds to evenly roasted deep brown ABV numerous times these last weeks so I know where it's heading next.
And then I thought I should post my thoughts here so I can finally convince you to finally get your Lotus and stop talking bout your Solos so much!

For one It seems as if you may have a lemon of a SOLO!
A piece of garbage!
Really bad press your testimony for ARIZER!
If ARIZER had the proper customer service they would send you a new unit free of charge!
If LOTUS thinks they have the "HOLY GRAIL" of VAPORIZERS they would have sent me one to evaluate? Or someone more qualified like "OF"! I will try it however I have this impression it's for people living off the grid were available electricity is not present? (Good for camping?) I have a medical area at my house dedicated to cannabis. So I vaporize in comfort!
I have a NANO if I want the Flavor Country Wet!
LSV major medication "POWERFUL"!
SOLO for a PORTABLE it's fast and the flavor is better than other portables I have tried!
My SOLO's taste amazing and are fast.
Level 3 DRY
Level 4 WET
The another night I was at level 5 by not paying attention and nearly coughed out a lung.
Wispy? You must have a defective unit? What is the moisure content of your flowers?
The LOTUS that your are so in LOVE with I will get one however get ready for an assessment from a Legal Medical Marijuana Patient.
Are you still living in a non friendly cannabis society?
This is why arizer needs to bring back the first models. I have a m102 that destroys any other solo it has met. On level 4 you can achieve coffee colored ABV. If I run on 7 it's almost black, not quite tho. I feel they dropped the temp way too much and added too much airflow. They way the old ones ran are 100 times better IMO. My buddy has a brand new one and he has to run on 7 to get what mine does on 4.
Sounds like they listened to the wrong people?
My oldest M107 is still like brand new with over 2 1/2 years of use?
Same battery pack as well!