Finally got the my Ryot axe pack case and all the rest of the vape goodies I ordered!And like I said a few pages back here are some pictures of the case. Damn It was a good week for me in the mail, I received- 2 Jyarz (these are great), a thermovape smooth-flow (pleastly suprised with it) , some doob tubes, 3 in 1 pipe cleaning tool, a pipes aio pa

, and 2 straight pvhes which I love, and the 10 inch Ryot case. Big thanks to the forum as I found most of these items on here in the past couple weeks since I've joined.
The case fits my needs perfectly, super easy to access everything quickly, and fits everything safely I need for a day. On the inside one side is super padded with velcro straps to secure the solo and stems in (in travel cases loaded and capped), and a small padded hole for small glass. On the other side is a velcro strap for a grinder, small detachable zipper pouch, and small elastic bands to lock whaterer you want in place. Personally I also dig the outside a lot. Hard case with carbon fiber looking print, and on the back is a nice rolling or bowl preparing platform. In the 10 inch case it fit-
1 arizer solo
2 pvhes in travel tubes
1 thermovape smooth-flow in carrying tube
1 3 in 1 cleaning tool
1 4 piece sharpstone grinder
2 Jyarz
1 doob tube- These are perfect for dumping abv into on the go, they are perfect size for the solo stems
2 lighters
1 bag unfortunatly filled with a bit of tabacco

1 small pipe
everything pretty well has a spot except the Jyarz, but when closed they fit very snugly due to all the padding give.
sorry for the long post- just a bit excited for all the new stuff to play with. Here are some pictures **WARNING** does contain pictures of insturments used for combustion
and the rolling pad