Hello all, first post on fc. I like to mod everything I get whether it be my phone, car, bike, or smoke products. Have a lot of ideas/mods but this is my favorite.
For this mod to be the most effective you have to grind your bud up VERY fine. I load my grinder and hold it upside down and grind, shake, grind, repeat until it looks like about 25% keif with the rest still very fine.
If you own a solo there's a pretty good chance you already put a screen in your stem(s) to keep the pull through/scoobs out of your mouth. I messed with different screen setups and came up with a mod that allows you to use less bud, vape longer, and get just as high (I think higher).
I run a dual screen setup which essentially acts as a dual chamber bowl. Heres what you do: run a fine screen (smaller holes) in the bottom of the stem. Fill the stem to only about 15-20% full with the finest ground (mostly keif) bud.
While browsing lowes I came across some garden hose filters which can be found in the plumbing section in a pack of 3 for like $2.79. Whats great about these is that they are designed to be inside a garden hose so they're stainless steel. They have to be cut and shaped a little but what makes these so different is that they are dome shaped. Place the second screen in the stem/bowl
over the finely ground bud. Make sure that there is plenty of empty space between the bud on the bottom and the "inside" of the dome shaped screen. Here is a pic of the stem loaded with the finely ground weed and the dome shaped screen on top of it:
As you can see the dome screen takes up a lot of space inside the bowl so you can use far less weed. Afterward fill the bowl the rest of the way so it looks like this.
This creates a dual chamber bowl, and you have a LOT more air passing through your herb which is what vaporizers are all about. I've used the dual screen setup a few times now and every time its simply amazing. I weigh out a daily allowance of 0.3g of bud each day and I can pack the bent stem bowl about 4-5 times. One stem makes me feel amazing, 2 stems and I'm SAILING!!
What else is great about this...after learning how to use the solo I could usually vape the full 12 minutes (auto shutoff is 12 min) before it was kicked, or at least kicked to my liking. With this mod your bud truly lasts longer
. Last night I was 17 minutes in to bong vaping session and still blowing clouds bigger than I see with my mflb on a fresh battery.
Let me know if you try it...