Hey all I just thought I would come on here and say hi and that the Arizer Solo is absolutely awesome! I haven't been around online for a while, unfortunately I went back to combusting
I have had a few vapes over the last two or three years, namely the Volcano (gathering dust), DBV (sold), Purple Days (looking pretty on the shelf!), and the Vapor Genie (needs new screen). However I could never quite get off of smoking spliffs. I am from the UK you see and as such was introduced to the herb, through spliffs mixed with tobacco. After 15 years of smoking spliffs with tobacco, I have tried and failed numerous times to give up the evil weed. I have stopped smoking cigs a few times, but then I would still smoke a baccy spliff or two in the evening, so that addiction and association of weed with tobacco never really went away.
Well...that is until now...I hope! I have recently got myself some ecigs (Vision Spinners with Kanger Mini Protanks) and am loving the experience, it is satisfying my nicotine craving. In the past when I did not have these ecigs, vaping or just combusting pure weed would obviously leave me with nicotine withdrawals.
So, these ecigs, combined with an Atmos Bullet 2 go pen for hash, and now my beloved Arizer Solo for herbs, have had me totally off the baccy or cigs for 7 days now...so I think the worst part of withdrawal is over. I still mentally want a spliff, but then the vapour is becoming tastier and tastier to me with every stem, and the spliffs are becoming a distant memory
I have pulled out my Green Goddess Mini Vapor bubbler and removed the nail and dome, then used s silicone ecig tip (thanks to the tips in this thread) on the top of my Solo stem which fits in the 14mm bubbler joint...water cooled vapour without the need for a GonG adaptor. I do need to turn up the heat a bit to get some clouds but this has made me love the Solo even more now! I have ordered a 14mm female PVHEGonG from PlanetVape though (the only PVHE piece in stock!), so when that comes it should be even better, I also plan to get some PHVES Turbos for dry vaping and an 18mm male PHVEGonG for my inline bubbler when they come back in stock.
I made a video just for fun to show off my Mini Vapor bubbler setup
Thanks for the tips in this thread everyone, you all helped me to pick between the Solo and the Pax or Da Vinci, and I am over the moon I chose the Solo