The reason why I go higher than level 3 is to fully extract the canabiniods (I even go to 7). It is not the best tasting as I go higher but usually I am gone by the time I hit level 5 lol. The flavors extract first before the canabiniods (they need a lower temp to boil). By stopping at 3 your losing alot of the goodies found in it that combustion or higher temp vaping would have extracted (although vapes stop before combustion to save you from tar and other junk that combustion gives.
Thanks for the response!
Maybe that why I like water path so much?
3 dry is nice however level 4 with water is amazing.
Now remember I have a PERSEI fitted with a cart of SHATTER or BLONDE WAX I take several rips while medicating with FLOWERS with my SOLO.
So my medication is a combination of POLLEN PELLETS, SHATTER, WAX, KEIF, FLOWERS, PURE GOLD.
Most likely I'm hitting various temperatures to capture the different benefits of the effects cannabis has to offer?
It is Level 4 FLOWERS through WATER PATH that I find the most amazing flavors!
I'm certain other devices are wonderful for this purpose.
I guess if I only medicated with the SOLO's exclusively I would need a higher temperature and sacrifice taste and seek effect first!
However for medicating and flavor profile my setup is powerful and full of flavor!
Some of my accessories exceed level 4.