are there any pics of a solo dismantled? im thinking new paint job.
are there any pics of a solo dismantled? im thinking new paint job.
That's the exact opposite of what actually has been happening. The battery indicator drops super fast on the M1 to 5 after one sesh, but on the M107 you could do a full sesh and the battery either wouldnt drop at all, or just 1 light.
You sure you compared the 2 from full charge?
I mean the meter drops off too early. It'll show the battery at Level 1 or below, and still have plenty of battery left. It's well known that the M1 models have less accurate battery indicators than the M107.
More than sure, I always charge fully...
What you are saying is not occurring.M1A4xxxxxx
I'm going off of the link in vaporpediaTry $35-$42 depending on the battery...check out Centizen's project/thread.
Maybe they did fix the issue? Mine is M1A3XXXXXX.
I agree, I never once combusted with my Solo.NO combustion at 7, just try it out I can garuntee you'll be impressed!
I agree, I never once combusted with my Solo.
It's definitely something I appreciate after having accidentally combusted twice in the E-nano.+ 1
You will never see grey ash in your stem .
That's why Centizen's are more...bettery batteries and labour shipping included. Centi is DA MAN!
He updated his battery thread!
???Which option of the pvhes do you perfer? I'm thinkin of getting one to decrease some of the draw while still getting bigger hits
I like my short turbo's for just myself. quick bowls and nice even brown ABV. I usually do two. It is very ritual-like for me. My wife is pregnant and is very sensitive to smells, so I am stuck outside medicating.
Well, no total combustion, not white burned ash, I agree, but when I take it to #7 the content of my stem surely looks black on the surface and has a very burned smell to it.I agree, I never once combusted with my Solo.
Well, no total combustion, not white burned ash, I agree, but when I take it to #7 the content of my stem surely looks black on the surface and has a very burned smell to it.
Over #4 I notice that the color changes the hotter it gets, also there will be more vapor but the taste will be less, as is the smell.
In my new M1A3 I even noticed that it got partialy darker on #4, not every time but it happened and I could taste it as well. might be right there but I really have no idea what benzene would smell like, it smells burned to me.You smell benzene that starts building at 400C and above...and the blackness is the chlorophyll.
I want to remind you that if you really combust then the chamber+stem would smell like s**t, forcing you to wash it ASAP. might be right there but I really have no idea what benzene would smell like, it smells burned to me.