I do not know if I am allowed to post to this forum as I am only on page 181 after about a month of reading! I for one agree
with others that this is far too long. I approve (like my approval was needed!!) of the wiki though.
I have had my solo for about 3 weeks now and like it quite a bit coming from the iolite. I got fed up with the noise of the thing.
I do find the 'oven' to be on the small side and this means I reload quite often. I also find the vapor quite hot and dry leading to
coughing fits. The speed at witch the solo is ready for use is very impressive.I got my solo from
http://verdampftnochmal.de/ ,
Andreas is very helpful.
http://verdampftnochmal.de/ are also autherised dealers in Germany, free EU shipping over 100E.
So any post without photos is boring, so here are some of what I am up to. I am new to the whole glass thing and am trying to
get going on the vapebong thing. I wrapped a damp cloth around the solo stem and secured with a rubber band. This is then
put on the down stem bit of the bong. Works good but cant seem to build up much vapor.
For some reason the insert image option will not work for me, sorry about having to put the links.... feel free to edit if you can
be bothered..
I usually use a cotton swab after a quick iso wash, store the iso then evap and vape the cotton.
I also do the same as KingofNull and soak everything in ISO and then evaporate off onto some cotton (tested and there is nothing given off this cotton at full temp for 2 12 min cycles..). The last photo shown some cotton in the stem with a screen.
Having a little of an electronics background I found the dissected photos of the solo very interesting. I would really love to have the datasheet on the micrcontroller and see how I might reprogram the solo. Those open solder pads (5 in a row) look very inviting!
I look forward to further hacks and mods posted here and I am also looking for some sort of adapter for my vapebonging... Right now the only adapter I 'understand' is the magic flight lunch box water adapter but I would prefer glass on glass (but as I said I know nothing about the glass stuff, for eg are the 14 and 18mm the inside diameter? I am such a glass noob I can only suppose I have a14mm opening as my bong is so small....!

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