My stems from Ed don't get loose.
Yeah - so as a summary of my test, (which were rather uncontrolled - I did stems for a couple, then just ran it alone for many cycles):
I got through 12 stems, with the indicator light showing battery level at 0 since the 4th stem.
I got to half way through the 13th stem and the charge light came on.
Does this compare to what you guys are getting?
Really weird the indicator does that, really threw me off.
Yes, I think you are getting plenty of cycles out of it. It's just the battery indicator that's faulty, this small issue has come up with the newest M1Dxxx & M1Axxx serial numbers. I have not read about anyone dealing with the warranty for this issue, but iIm sure it could be done. IIRC, everyone that posted about this problem wasn't worried enough to send their Solo away. Personally, I really like my working battery indicator and hope it stays that way. If you aren't happy, I'm sure Randy @Puffitup will make it right.
Taste wise - I prefer glass.How about taste-wise between glass and ed's stainless and wood?
Taste wise - I prefer glass.
I definitely feel like having a working battery indicator is something that needs to be fixed, especially if older models that are essentially the same thing, except with a working indicator in this case, are available for cheaper. I feel like I made a bad decision with this new information.
If this issue persists I will have to contact Randy...
Also from PuffItUp website:
"Easy to use and portable, the compact and lightweight design of the Arizer Solo has a high quality lithium-ion battery with six hours of continuous use."
Mine worked for 2 and something..... I feel like a jack ass.
Another thing, can someone that has both PV and Ed's stems compare them? I am trying to choose....
(and that stealth one looks sick too with the McD's cup!!)
Yeah , they advertise laptop batteries to last up to 4 hours also ....unless you go on the net !
Then it's more like 1 hour , depending on what you're surfing . And cell phones too .
Maybe they meant 6 hours if you're using temp. setting 1 . LoL
When you posted earlier, you went thru 12 stems .
I was wondering the length of time it took to go thru 12 stems ?
But 2 to 2 1/2 hours of Straight Usage ? is what I've been getting , using temp. setting 5 to 6 .
The indicator light is a different story though .
But they made it that way to you charge it before 40% and therfore your battery will last LONGER! Its actually a good thing! If you run your battery full to dead everytime it's gunna crap out faster!Right, I understand the common perception of claims is that they are dishonest and deceitful, and I knew that some body was going to say that, but 2.5/6 hours?
I had it at temps 3-4 (mostly 4)
The indicator light... nothing really can be said about that other than IT DOES NOT WORK, except to educate and aware people about its existence. Maybe a fix will be out, who knows...
12-13 sessions is pretty dang good, but even that number is probably even less if you're actually drawing vapor from there. Just having it on puts zero stress on the unit.
My M106 gets me about 7-8 sessions at temp 5. Had 5 sessions y'day for 12 mins each and the battery level dropped from 7 to 5. I never let it really let the battery level drop below 3.
Also, them claiming 6 hours is probably setting 1 without drawing, I'm almost positive no one expected it to last 6 full hours of continuous use.
Atleast 8 sessions or so out of a full charge is pretty dang good, I dont think theres a portable yet that has better battery life than the Solo
The new software makes sense too, it makes people charge their batteries sooner so it lasts longer. After 5-6 stems my Solo is on the charger
Yes it improves the number of battery cycles your battery uses up. These batteries only have around 350 cycles I think I read somewhere? But if you charge before it gets below 40% all the time it wont use up a battery cycle thus making the battery last longer in the long run.A non-functioning battery reader will improve battery life?
Edit: I don't want to say NON FUNCTIONING in the way that it's not working the way it's meant to, but that the way it's meant to work, does not display your actual current battery level.
More than you've probably ever wanted to know about Li-Ion batteries and their lifespan:
While I can agree it's a bit deceiving to manipulate the battery life display in such a manner, and perhaps they could have went about doing it a different way, irregular intervals or something, you *really* should avoid having a high average depth of discharge. It wouldn't be inconceivable to double your battery's usable lifespan by keeping the depth of discharge low.
Besides, this way you have reserve juice for emergencies,.
Interesting read... interesting idea to make the customer think they are out of juice so they charge, and conserve battery life in the long run.
Also, thinking that 2.5 hours or so (this was alone btw, not sucking on stems, so who knows what it will be normally, i know LESS due to sucking/heat transfer to glass), to you "seems like plenty off of a charge"... falls into the whole OPINION IS NOT FACT idea.
I was directed to the site, saw this:
What is stated there is untrue, as well as the product page, and feel a little deceived man.
If a month from now a new model # comes out, and they fix this battery situation...
Completely understandable!
I misunderstood your situation a bit. I, probably for lack of attention paid, thought you vaped 12 straight stems (one heck of a day that would be) and were disappointed. Makes much more sense to be frustrated in this situation.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they tweaked future models a bit more yet.
Apologies if my tone wasn't clear, and I hope you can get your issues ironed out through puffitup! Do let FC know if this was, in fact, a new design tweak or somehow a fluke.