Well-Known Member
Anybody buy one of the $10 GONGS from PIU? curious about their quality?
The ones listed on the site for $18.99? I don't see any less expensive than that.
Anybody buy one of the $10 GONGS from PIU? curious about their quality?
I see the standard Solo stems at PIU. Those are the standard stems that you can get through Arizer. Those are like the ones that come with the Solo. Those should work fine.
I see the standard Solo stems at PIU. Those are the standard stems that you can get through Arizer. Those are like the ones that come with the Solo. Those should work fine.
The ones through PlanetVape will give added air flow if you need that - they are the PVHES line of mouthpieces and GonGs. If you need an 18mm GonG you will need to go through PV. Puffitup has the Arizer Air 14mm mouthpiece that can be used as a GonG for the Solo. It's cheaper than getting one through PV which would be around $25.
I wish PIU had an 18mm size GonGs for the Solo for a reasonable price. PV's $25 is too high. We pay that kind of price because we don't have a choice. The Chinese Solo mouthpieces are inferior so not worth buying.
It's costing @ataxian a fortune. Good thing he has lots of money.
Curious about PIU Solo stems being a bit tight. PV is also making their PVHES with a tighter feel. I wonder has anyone else bought the standard size stem from PIU lately. Are they a little on the right side? I like being able to rock the stem too. It's not an issue for me it's a plus.
In fact, I can pick my Solo up by the stem, Shake it and the stem still does not move. I did put an O ring on my Solo a couple of years ago.
No doubt has to do with that stem, they can do this when they are out of round?
Correctly installed the o-ring should not make the stem tighter (harder to install and remove), that's not what the mod is for.
Curious about PIU Solo stems being a bit tight. PV is also making their PVHES with a tighter feel. I wonder has anyone else bought the standard size stem from PIU lately. Are they a little on the right side? I like being able to rock the stem too. It's not an issue for me it's a plus.
I have a whip set up for my Solo. it's awesome. I have a wood mouthpiece and adapter that I had @Ed's TnT make. We used the herbalizer tubing from the whip. I have pics on this thread and the AA.
why has the one one left have a second board underneath the heater?
can you help me?
is one of them fake ?
the one with the second board takes longer to heat up and heats stronger.
Paging Dr. @OF, you have a patient waiting![]()
Ok, thank you very much.
Which unit to keep.
i can only afford one SOLO.
mmmh, difficult
I get that error when my portable charger has not enough energy left to fill up the solo.
Could be broken battery or cable. Not denying that it could be something on the board too, but those are the first things that come to mind.
yeah, just get the battery upgrade. It's soo fkin worth it.