Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I as well had a rough night (last night) far as pain goes, I woke up at 3:00am. So I brought my Solo in bed with me. It only took a 10 min session of some Northern Lights and I was ready for sleep. I drifted off back to sleep in minutes.
A portable is a must if you are a medical user of our fav flower. My Solo is my middle of the night go to vaporizer. It is standing by and is there at a moments notice. It only takes a couple min to heat up and a little bit of cannabis to get you medicated.
A very sturdy unit that can withstand that occasional tumble.

A portable is a must if you are a medical user of our fav flower. My Solo is my middle of the night go to vaporizer. It is standing by and is there at a moments notice. It only takes a couple min to heat up and a little bit of cannabis to get you medicated.
A very sturdy unit that can withstand that occasional tumble.

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