OhTheAgony said:Will those fit without cutting?
Is that a RZ or a CRZ Steiner? How does the bowl size compare to that of the Solo, & does it get the AVB just as dark?
MattyGTwenty3 said:No cutting necessary and nice fine mesh. I personally just dome it on a sharpie, insert it, and then flatten the dome.
steiner666 said:i can definitely say that the new 4-holed stems are significantly harder to install screens in than the two 2-hole bent stems i got with my original ceramic solo. Its like the 4 hole stems are deeper and have a gradual slope/taper towards the bottom of the bowl that makes it hard to get the screen to want to stay down around the bottom as well. still doable though.
Sinclue said:Stealth Solos:
Easily done. For when you are in your car or "out and about".
Why bother? It's an E-ciglol
Samsquanch said:There ya go , you got it , dont forget to vent the bottom of the can or the solo itself will get mighty hot on temps over 5
Sinclue said:Actually sits slightly up off the rounded bottom and loose in the can. Makes for pretty good airflow. Plus I never seem to need to vape above 4 pretty much.
dorkus_molorkus said:@ Da ape- glad to see you about again, where you been bruz?
''Loading and unloading stems on the roll can be a bitch-rivaling texting as a distraction''
You havent posted here for a bit & 1st one out of the box is an awesome community service message.
good message for the kids-dont pack & drive- I love it.
I went out the other week for lunch & drinks & decided that the solo might prove to be hassle to use in the toilets of the venue. ( I have no idea why, other than the fact we didnt bring the car)
So, in my wisdom I decided that jelly hash was the go. ( I have no idea why)
what a PITA, Im a moron.
fucking gooey, black sticky shit went everywhere. and me sparking up my torch lighter in the echo of a bathroom & coughing as I hit the hash was the noisiest, most suspicious thing I have done for a bit.
I swear I channel Inspector Cloueseau on a regular basis, I was using my solo stem as a hash pipe & touched the tip & burnt my fingers which made me drop the stem onto my leg ( I was wearing shorts, aussie summer). Which then proceeded to burn my leg as I jumped in the air screaming 'fuck thats hot'.
I caught the stem just as it was headed for the floor, I then proceeded to juggle said hot stem for bit ala hot potato.
So, I packed my stuff up & beat it out of there. There were 3 gents looking at me strangley as I exited the cubicle, yet no one said a word as I splashed cold water on my lower thigh & hobbled my dumb ass out of there.
ah, yes.......... who said being stupid was just for the young? ( no one im guessing)
dorkus_molorkus said:whats with the dead set fuckwits that seem to be frequenting this site all of a sudden?
I mean whats the point of your post? other than to be a fucken smart arse?
just sayin.................. fucken tosser
@ da ape, glad to hear you are well. dont want to ramble either otherwise someones friggen eyes might spontaneously combust and there will be tears.
CaptainQ said:Things have started to go down hill rather rapidly, but at least vape production seems to be at an all time high! Really liked your story Dorkus, reminds me of a few Solo burns I have myself![]()
Totally agree with you mate.There are some real fuckin knobtuggers on here lately.dorkus_molorkus said:whats with the dead set fuckwits that seem to be frequenting this site all of a sudden?
I mean whats the point of your post? other than to be a fucken smart arse?
just sayin.................. fucken tosser
@ da ape, glad to hear you are well. dont want to ramble either otherwise someones friggen eyes might spontaneously combust and there will be tears.