Well-Known Member
So I took my Solos to a party/hangout and I was sure that someone would want to combust. I loaded 'em and sent them around, and other than hitting a g-pen once, that's what we all used all night. I had one person tell me I'd convinced them to go try a vape- rock on! Only irritating thing was someone turned back on my beeps, and I don't have the hand dexterity to turn it back off easily. I managed one after a solid half hour and shelved the other for now. I'm still a little annoyed by that, tbh, why would you mess with someone elses' settings? But, had a good time, I'm thinking everyone else did, and I had battery life to spare after. Solo done us proud!
A whole group got high a whole evening and your Solo wasn't dead yet?!
Damn I wish me and my friends get high so quick! Solo doesn't even last a full evening on my own