I don't know how much extra income you have at your disposal however I'm a cheap shopper. I buy my 1/2" screens for my GonG's & Stems on ebay. 500 for less than $10.00 maybe less? I change my screens often as well as clean.I'm getting ready to order wire mesh screens and have ordered from PV in the past and like the fine and extra fine mesh screens. Does anybody know what the mesh size corresponds to those screens. I'm considering 80 x 80 mesh, .0055" wire diameter pre-cut screens from McMaster-Carr and would like something similar to what I have.
Don't take my advise as I'm not an expert just a consumer like you!

Sorry for the dirty mess!
I will clean tomorrow!
I have this awesome stand from @Pipes!
I want to start using it!
It's somewhere?
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