Tolerance!My solo came the other day and i love it. There's just one thing though..
The bent stem fit perfect out of the box, nice and snug. It was laying me out as well, couldn't believe what i was getting off such a small amount of material. The straight stem didn't fit, but I wasn't too bothered as I've read all the info on stems not fitting.
So the second day of owning the vape i thought i would try the straight stem out, heated up to 7 got the stem in. However, my other stem is now really loose. Again, I know this shouldn't be an issue but I just wasn't expecting this to happen.. Thought the glass would adapt to fit into my solo not the other way round! Only problem is, I could swear i'm not getting the same effects as i was on day 1.. I'm still getting high but day one I was an absolute wreck and now i seem to need a couple of bowls to get to the level I want..
Have I broken my solo or am i just being a bit paranoid? It's still heating and everything obviously, I just want to know if this sort of experience is normal, has anyone else had a stem go from snug to extremely loose after trying a new one?
Top Shelf Srains only!
Seals under the cap!
113 for the older model.
For the new models I have heard of people sanding them down to fit.
The seals hold the stems and GonG's in.
In in the tread somewhere?

I broke a stem every week until I fitted my SOLO's with seals!