Vapor concierge
@Kryniu welcome to FC.
The Solo 2 is hands down a better vaporizer than the Air. I have had an Air for a couple years.
Arizer has taken care of the milkshake draw. They were listening to the masses.
Its way easier than before. It has the digital temp which is a fave nice little additions to the Solo.
The new Solo is very easy to set your desired temperature and how long of a session you want. Using a water tool is easy just buy a GonG but the one you have with the Air may fit.
The flavor is great with this Solo on par with the Solo OG.
The battery with this unit is way stronger than the Air's battery or the OG Solo's. The heat doesn't go down after a draw, the heater doesn't need much if any recovery time.
My other Solo OG has the chipping bottom plate problem. This one has a nice sturdy metal plate on the bottom. Its built like a tank. The temp display screen could break I suppose if dropped. I don't want to find out.
You really cant go wrong with this unit. We have seen only a few so far that had to be returned for warranty. This is my fave portable lately.
I'm working on a honey resined stem for hot cocoa. That is the smaller stem below.
What's in your Solo? I have some AK-47 in mine.
mmmmmm...that stem!