Well-Known Member
I don't know why, but I prefer to use a plastic tip with my Arizers. You can safely clench your teeth on a tip. The far left tip is from the Air. The ones to the right are used plastic tips from disposable oil cartridges. The plastic tips don't always fit. I think a tip from a Meerschaum pipe would be cool.
With ya there, MB. Another fun MP to try is the one from Vapor Genie. There are actually two, the newer ones being larger in diameter. They're made of poly carbonate, the same stuff we make 'bulletproof' glass for big shot's cars and banks, and safety glasses, from. Mighty tough.....
I like the pipe stem idea, they are available from pipe shops. A guy can go through them faster than fancy pipes so having a new one fit is a common service. I have one remaining pipe, a full bent Meerschaum lined briar from Africa. In my smoking days it saw a lot of service and went on several adventures with me over a lot of years. It's on it's fourth (or perhaps fifth?) stem. I 'lost' two in the first few years (about two years apart). By the next time the shop had a different name and women's handbags in the window. I didn't actually check to see if they still replaced stems, but it seemed a safe assumption.
For myself I use the plastic topped ones maybe half the time. I like the one with the built in bubbler and the bent and straight original ones from time to time. For travel I prefer them this way:

Loaded, of course. Or used. That is, I reload at home and might carry several stems. Sometimes with different strains in fact. Below you can see how I use a short bit of tube and the same sort of (half inch nominal) cap to seal the top. No spills, no smell, instant availability. I use high temperature caps (450F for 15 minutes) so I can snap them on a hot stem and return them to the pocket pronto.