I don't use that exact stem, but I use a little mini bubbler stems
that's basically the exact same concept. With enough rinses you should get everything out. Smoothness is great. Still some scratchiness on the upper temp sometimes but the heat is mostly gone. It's a nice enjoyable experience imo. Not the same as a regular bubbler, but not the same as a regular stem either. It's pretty much exactly what you'd guess as an imbetween.
Edit: here's a vid of me trying to get the fattest exhale clouds possible using the mini bubbler stem.
Thanks for sharing your experience @AJS.
@DocH I haven't cleaned my little bubbler from up above yet. @OF suggested flushing the bubbler with water eventually it will be clear. I was able to get almost all my water out of the bubbler except for a drop. I don't know but I would think that would evaporate @OF would know more or @AJS since I just got mine and dont have as much experience.
@CarolKing.....what's your technique to only have a drop left?
Edit: Actually, I think I got it....just blowing fairly strong air pressure several times down on the draw end seems to push most of it out. Hey, wait.....isn't it more satisfying/fun drawing air the other way?

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