So this device was developed in canada?
Was it tested in mexico prior to release?
The actual heat up tempurature incorporates the glass stems heat retention.
Yes, Arizer is Canadian. The Solo/Air line (now 10 years old?) is made there as are a bunch of other keen Arizer stuff I don't own. No telling where it was tested, I'm sure they have no trouble getting volunteers most anywhere they want?
Yes, sorta. "Heat retention" isn't a factor, nor is thermal conductivity (how fast heat can move through the glass to the load) really since that only changes the times scale. Eventually 'heat soak' brings the glass, load, screen if there up to the same temperature as the cup (and no hotter). How long that eventually is depends on a lot of things of course, but once it 'recovers' the temperature of the cup rules the game, it determines the temperatures available.
Thank you
@OF and
@InhaleExhale for the insight into Li-ion batteries! Good stuff!
Wow, that's impressive! What temp did you run it at, at what session length?
I've thought about using my a2 for micro dosing, I've been using less and less material and using a dome screen may be a cool improvement.
I usual scoop a load out of the grinder with the stem, never really pack it tightly. Last night I tried filling it only half full, thinking maybe if it's loose I could sort of stir it while inhaling (or shaking it lightly) and getting an even bake.
I saw this pic on reddit and will try to bend something like this for myself haha:
Yer welcome fer sure! I'm with you, that's the sorta stuff that brings me here. Lots of good folks pooling their experiences and ideas. Honestly. About as good as it gets.
In your experiments stay mindful of the conduction nature. Packing improves this heat transfer but can obstruct the airflow if overdone. Grind helps here, avoid fine grinds (like flour or fine sand) as it can pack in too tight. Getting all the THC out of a tiny load at normal rates is a challenge, enjoy it.
FWIW, my favorite vape for tiny doses is VapMan. A personal favorite for many reasons. You might check it out as you need to have a backup?????
Guys make domed stems from 5/8 inch screens usually. Forming the bowl over the end of a 'Sharpie Pen' is the usual technique I think. In the end many of us came to use the custom screen our own
@Sinclue found for us:
The same guy sells different size lots, cheap and they last a LONG time. They look like this installed:
When they finally foul (it takes a long time since all the holes 'work') fish it out (I use a bent safety pin) and torch it until it glows. The SS is fine, the other stuff burns off and laves fine ash that you can brush or blow off before putting it back.
Standby for rants below on IR Pyrometers ('thermometers') and battery life (or be really clever and skip on.....)
Then I tried to drain the battery down before bed, to fully charge over night it was on what looked like 30%.
I am intending to measure it more accurately, but I’m guessing it was at least 2 hours of run time. Maybe even just over.
I'd avoid intentionally 'draining the battery down' unless there's an advantage I don't see? Unlike some other battery types. All you can do is potentially harm it with deep discharges and waste time and energy recharging it again? Your call, but IMO not good advice generally.
Run time will depend (mostly) on vaping load. That is from a 'heat load' POV the heater has to provide energy to make up for losses (mostly conduction to the case) and make vapor. Making vapor takes more percentage wise in normal use. I did a lot of testing with Solo years back. A good pack will give 'a session a light', it can be depended on for 8 'normal sessions', perhaps a bit more. But it will also go FIFTY or more sessions 'open top, no stem, full blast' ('burn offs'). I did a lot of such testing and reported it in that thread.
The new battery type brings Solo II to 50% more capacity being 50% 'bigger'. It also means charging is 50% higher, requiring a new 'wall wort'. 12 normal sessions seems to be par now. More possible if you play with it as before. Using that scale, I'd expect Air II to have the same change. Where we used to have 4 'for sure' sessions on tap, now the number will be six? Nothing magic, nice, but not magic. Just numbers.
I would try measuring the crucible's temperature if I got an IR thermometer. Once I get a Solo II as well I want to try measuring all of my current Arizer models.
I did a side-by-side temperature comparison with the Air and the Air II just now. Both of the units I ran at 210C/410F. I didn't expect much difference, and there was none. Both of the bowls got just as dark.
IR Pyrometers are useful and fun but have their limitations. They are basically light meters for a light we can't see. The idea is the hotter stuff is the brighter it glows (which is true enough obviously). But 'how bright stuff glows' includes temperature and a constant determined by material called "emissivity":
Basically a measure of how easily it emits photons as opposed to absorbing them. Very important WRT to precision:
Cheap units (like we generally use) have a preset (IIRC .95, that is it glows 95% as bright as the ideal "Black Body" does at that temperature). Those that allow you to change will change the indicated temperature with every change in Emissivity..... As so often happens, calibration becomes a big issue. Simply changing the surface finish (say polishing it) can change Emissivity greatly. There's been a lot of poking at this over the years, some searching (try using Google restricted to this Forum?) could provide you with hours of reading fun. I've also played some with thermocouples (which found some interesting and useful stuff on Ascent) and 'thermal paint'. IMO 'reading the ABV' and monitoring the expected vapor is probably most useful?
TCs have their limitations too, of course. Not the least among them being the leads pulling heat out causing a 'too low to be real' reading. That condemned this experiment:
Although a similar one with Ascent worked well:
I still put my faith in ABV color and vapor production, subjective as they both are?