Well-Known Member
Yarb. Old Chub is a nice beverage. There are only a few canned beers that do well. Oskar seems to do a nice job. The best canned beer is one I've had but cannot get. If you can find Surly Furious in a can, it's delightful.
I'm an ex-Minnesotan, and I do, in fact, know all about ol' Surly. Wonderful beer!

Last time I was in Minneapolis - I guess about 4 and a half years ago - I bought four 4-packs of it before I left. Didn't last as long as I'd hoped. Nothing I've had since "can" quite take its place...

Surly's Russian Imperial Stout was pretty fucking awesome too. I can remember the waiting lists and 1-bottle-only limits and scrambling to find places that still had a bottle left...