This has probably been posted, but Altered Carbon may be the best original Netflix scifi yet. Warning - it's a very complex story in a very interesting dystopia. It reminded me of Blade Runner world - only without the replicants. It's an exciting and violent series, and it's a bit disorienting at first, but it's worth the time investment.
In contrast to Lost in Space, which, oddly enough, is on par with the original series - not much makes real sense, and the characters actions are often dumb, and why doesn't anyone seem to care what everyone else (including the family) is doing? Why doesn't anyone communicate with each other about what's going on? And and...why hasn't the mother-ship noticed it's entire communications array is missing - yet they transmit every day? and what's the deal with the "robot" and why did he figure out enough english to say "danger will robinson" and nothing else? Ok..I will admit I am watching the series with friends and no series has caused so much discussion, so I guess that's a good thing.
BTW, is this thread limited to only Netflix streams, cause there a few gems on Amazon Prime and Hulu.