although that's heavily negotiated these days – yesterday the news said it will become legal to sell in licensed shops, today that turned out to be too early to call.
So the 10 november bloomberg link i've put is no more actuality ?
As i said, it all depends on how Scholz will see it now. U must be more aware, than me, on he's recent view.
in France, we are still legislating on cbd ... and soon the rate of thc authorized in cbd flowers ...
hoping that the Kanavape affair will really make a precedent ... (June and November 2021)
Cbd Legislation is already done, as the old European norm, of THC being the only forbidden.
We've already big brand poping up like deli hemp here.
The issue, for us, is the medical part. some doctor will be allowed to prescribe, and so potentially paid by "la sécu"

free weed

. There is a debate between sativex only, or with vaporizer (and so flowers) allowed..
well, all that to say that if things could move in Germany ... and if it's done intelligently ... and if it brings in money, and if the Germans are happy ... it may make them move things faster with us ... they love to say. "as the example of our German neighbors shows ..."
It follows the same "border" political pressure which break the berlin wall, here specific to one product,..
the same USA have known during alcool prohibiton.
Schengen here being an highway (to hell

), may the border pressure be the same between USA states.
If politics don't legalise, they will keep feeding an exponential growing black market around them. Therefore they may got fear, or contrary interest, of their hungriness.