Anvil by Vestratto


Well-Known Member
Just waiting for the ruby and gold heat shields. Will grab a thermocore bundle if available.


Well-Known Member
I’m confused. Is the forge bundles for 4/20 gonna be shipped right away with the tornado? Curious as well for the tornado being included in it, seems odd to me to be able to buy something without any clue or info on it haha.
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Well-Known Member
I am interested in the Forge, but worried the first set might have issues (nothing against Vestratto, this just seems to happen with a lot of companies in this hobby). I would also like to see what the Tornado can do before paying that kind of money and yeah the wait time is unclear. I would like a Thermocore, but without getting it bundled with a Forge, I don't see the point since I have 2 Duracores and the way the it was explain in the live stream with Sneaky Pete, the Duracore is the more efficient option when using a torch. I wonder if they will keep producing the Duracore.


Well-Known Member
Just curious, what is your “ultra fast” heat up time with the blazer big shot?
12 seconds aiming it at the belly of the thermocore, and pulling it immediately at the first click. i get a RTL roast with a much more convection leaning signature, evidenced by better flavor and the additional lag before I see vapor after i begin to draw

i plan on playing with the timing more and pulling between 8-10 seconds, ignoring the click, if I want a lighter roast. i usually like RTL anyway so I‘ve been having a lot of fun

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
12 seconds aiming it at the belly of the thermocore, and pulling it immediately at the first click. i get a RTL roast with a much more convection leaning signature, evidenced by better flavor and the additional lag before I see vapor after i begin to draw i plan on playing with the timing more and pulling between 8-10 seconds, ignoring the click, if I want a lighter roast. i usually like RTL anyway so I‘ve been having a lot of fun

Wow! That is really fast. The only time I have ever heated that fast, I combusted.

I am working on the timing with my new wand, but I don’t think it”ll ever get to where I want it in under 45 seconds.
I may have to go back to my torch and play a bit more to see if I can figure out 10 second hits.
Jill NYC,


Well-Known Member
I’m glad the wand works with the anvil, but it’s extremely underpowered and was not designed for it. I’m a shaky guy and holding my vape and waiting as much as a minute for the hit?? I can take 5 hits with the inductor in that time

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I’m glad the wand works with the anvil, but it’s extremely underpowered and was not designed for it. I’m a shaky guy and holding my vape and waiting as much as a minute for the hit?? I can take 5 hits with the inductor in that time
I don’t think it’s underpowered at all.. takes no longer than using a torch for me.
At home, no need to hold the anvil while heating, just set it on a plate like this.

As seen in image Turn the wand so the screen shows down (if you have the thermocore, otherwise, if you have dura core or other head the you can do not need to turn the wand) put it on a plate (I would look for a thicker plate, so heat will not harm it)… put the anvil inside wand the front of anvil rests on plate…(hands free 😉).. I am using 800f, I let blink the wand some time say 20 times then turn it on again and wait for the click or clicks, then enjoy…
The temp on wand is always same I think, when you turn it up it only heats longer when you turn it down it heats shorter…

To each their own, not trying to force you to get one or anything, but I am loving this no-hands mode at the moment and just spent a few hours on line looking for the perfect ceramic plate to pair it with (because PAS? Plate acquisition syndrome 🤣)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what these 420 bundles include? I really just want the WPA Kit so do I wait for that to hopefully go down a little in price or just scoop it up now if that’s not going to be included in any deals?


Well-Known Member
Wow! That is really fast. The only time I have ever heated that fast, I combusted.

I am working on the timing with my new wand, but I don’t think it”ll ever get to where I want it in under 45 seconds.
I may have to go back to my torch and play a bit more to see if I can figure out 10 second hits.
I’ve only tried it with the thermocore, and it works best with the half bowl. It’s rly easy to combust with the XL using this method
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Does anyone know if the Anvil can do lower temp hits well?
Everything ive seen so far has been thick vapour, and one and done heat ups.
Is it possible to heat higher up on the cap(like a DynaVap), and get lower temps. And if so, how is the performance at this level?
Does anyone know if the Anvil can do lower temp hits well?
Everything ive seen so far has been thick vapour, and one and done heat ups.
Is it possible to heat higher up on the cap(like a DynaVap), and get lower temps. And if so, how is the performance at this level?

Yes, you can do this, and it works well. I just don't do it often because I like to get everything extracted in one heat cycle with the Anvil. Doing multiple cycles is not ideal to me due to how long it takes the device to cool down and heat back up with a torch. Also increases the risk of combustion since the material will be super dry on that second run, as well as any residual heat in the oven when you start torching it again.

David Root

Well-Known Member
For the ocasional re heat, I pull the bowl with a magnet. listen for the click of it cooling. Install and heat as normal. works as normal.

Larger bowls can get a reheat. Or, i like to pack it to take it somewhere. No reloads, Just add a little crumble if the bowl is too small.

I have also tried adding 5 to 10 seconds heat between hits with larger loads. It works.



Well-Known Member
So do you guys think the anvil is superior to the DynaVap? I watched interviews with the creator of the device, and he explains how the herb is kept at normal temps during heat up, and then it its just the convection pull of hot air that brings in the cookies. So in other words kinda like a cold start hit that preserves the terps during heat up. Sounds really cool.
Do you think that the DynaVap is cooking off the terps during its 10 second heat ups?


Well-Known Member
« Basketball to baseballs to golf balls. Secondary gasification improves extraction efficiency by reducing vapour particle size ». That is the comment that came with it.
I must say I am wondering what this is. It seems to be another bowl, with the lid unscrewing by the top. With extra size. But the secondary gasification part has me wondering :hmm:


Company Rep
I don't get can you expect folks to buy this with hardly any info?
Looks like the bottom dark part might screw into a existing oven
Yeah.. I don't buy products based off their renderings. But I am sure this will be killer in a couple years time, just like the Anvil.

"Standard threaded connections for our 14mm, 18mm, proxy and stem accessories" well considering none of these existing accessories use threaded connections, is it safe to assume this will be the new "standard" moving forward, and when will this change? The communication is sub par, but that's been standard since Vestrattos inception, anyone else miss the Sunday post?
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David Root

Well-Known Member
Looks a little like a bigger bowl screws in a new oven.
It has a HEX so it does not roll......
The welded on end cap is threaded to the end. or The discs sit in the threads instead behind them .
I see threads in 4 spots.

Looks like the lower unit screws into the upper unit and the "bowl"
so the discs in the back with threads are the removable top of the bowl.
Looks like the air path is the same.

25% bigger would be about .25 g

Perhaps you can carry spare loaded bowl$.

Last sunday post Mar 5 2023

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Well-Known Member
I don't get can you expect folks to buy this with hardly any info?
Looks like the bottom dark part might screw into a existing oven
Hi - our site is going live for 420 at 9 am

For those who've been hanging out with us for a while you know that more often than not we nail it. When we do have room for improvement we have replaced entire production runs free of charge. The Tornado bundle gives folks a chance to be part of the early conversation with a very strong (like company strategic direction strong) VESTRATTO commitment behind it.

My goal with the TORNADO has been to make a vape engine that could be best summed up as a "portable - Sublimator".

Our goal is to make more efficient use of our herb. Larger vapour droplets don't get absorbed. They get caught in the mouth, throat and early few branches in the lungs. That's why I use the analogy of basketballs, baseballs and golf balls. If those balls are bouncing around in the gym you can see most of the basketballs, but the golf balls are going to get into many more deeper tighter nooks and crannies. To take advantage of the same effect larger vapour droplets from the herb chamber bounce against the gasifier wall and are broken down into smaller, more absorbable particles. Think micro-dabs. The TORNADO has two induction zones. One heats the oven while the other heats the gasifier. Think of it as a ThermoCore with a turbocharger.


Well-Known Member
Hi - our site is going live for 420 at 9 am

My goal with the TORNADO has been to make a vape engine that could be best summed up as a "portable - Sublimator".

Our goal is to make more efficient use of our herb. Larger vapour droplets don't get absorbed. They get caught in the mouth, throat and early few branches in the lungs. That's why I use the analogy of basketballs, baseballs and golf balls. If those balls are bouncing around in the gym you can see most of the basketballs, but the golf balls are going to get into many more deeper tighter nooks and crannies. To take advantage of the same effect larger vapour droplets from the herb chamber bounce against the gasifier wall and are broken down into smaller, more absorbable particles. Think micro-dabs. The TORNADO has two induction zones. One heats the oven while the other heats the gasifier. Think of it as a ThermoCore with a turbocharger.

I'm on board........I love my Anvil Thermocore so......I got high hopes.
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