I picked up a founder’s edition about 2 months ago from a member here.
I love it for sure and it’s a heavy hitter alright…
I find it completely different to my Dynavaps, (which still get used regularly) and often wonder at the constant comparisons… I guess due to form, clicker and torch it’s inevitable… but a different beast imo
@fangorn totally agree about lower quality product, the anvil will get what is there out of it much better than anything else I’ve owned.
@Abele Rizieri Ferrari spot on about the hash… I’ve tried a lot of vapes with hash, and think this might just be the best to date.
As far as flavour goes, I find it better and longer lasting if you torch either at the first copper ring after the oven as
@Grass Yes said, or just above that on the oven itself (usually I’ll do a bit of both during the heat up).
I use mine natively joint style, and will get a good few tasty pulls before the flavour drops off this way.