Really excited to find this thread. I have been waiting for the perfect moment to invest in a proper future proof box mod and the time has finally arrived with the DNA 200 devices. Ordered a Lavabox and some Titanium wire for TC builds, should all be here by the end of this week.
Converting one of my old Igo RDAs using the old FC-2000 wicks I have on hand from my old ProVari Genesis style tank atomizer. Wow, I have a lot of old stuff in the vape drawer and it is all turning out to be useful for once!

When I find a build that I like, I will buy a cheap FT clone of a Mini Vertex or a Low Pro as I like their looks and airflow better than the old style. Personally I prefer the chuff cap style unrestricted draw with the built in screens, particularly for vaping nicotine e-juice at sub-ohm.
When that's all figured out I am going to sell my old concentrate vape exclusive equipment. Really excited, seems like I waited most of the last year for this to coalesce. Temperature Controlled concentrate dabs on the go with no claim and all the taste of my D-Nail, I am all about that right now. I will gladly sacrifice preloading and switch to "load-as-you-go" style if it means better taste, no reclaim and much higher uptime outside of stripping the deck and rebuilding.
Exciting times in the vape world, onward and upward my friends!