If your adjusting voltage your adjusting wattage as well. think of it more like changing the ramp up time by adjusting wattage and voltage. the greater the current the lower ramp up time will be. and of course thr lower ohm your coil the more watts or volts will be needed to power it.so if lowering the wattage doesnt keep it cooler, would lowering the voltage do that? wouldnt that lower the wattage output at the coil? basically i just want to slow down the "ramp up" time.
i got the 30w device (cant see myself ever wanting to use anything higher than 10w personally, but i am thinking about a TC device and wanted to play with an adjustable device first.
my plan is to transplant the new Yihi board into this cloupor mini when im ready.
then ill likely be using nickel wire.
I find its easiest to adjust the watts for a desired voltage.
depending on the ohm of the coil a .7ohm coil may be at 4.5v st only 50w while a .2ohm coil will be at 4.5v at 100w
so its like select your variable of choice and work from their....
if you wanna work with thicker wire you will be able to build a sub ohm coil and then effectively underpower it so as to keep it from rapid pulsing but you gain the surface area of the larger gauge.
if you were cloud chasing juice everything I said would be terrible advice.... but vape some errl it can be beneficial to underpower a thick coil...
especially a dbc with ceramic sleeve.
damn I need to set my box mod back up but all I got is cotton wick. boo!
apologies for my incoherence.