I tried with a 1/2 gram ampule first too.Lots of good stuff in this thread! Based on Haywood's review, I picked up a Kanger Mini Protank 3 and a couple extra 2.0ohm coils to try with Pure Gold. It was only about $15 for the kit and $10 for the extra coils and I already have a VV Ego-C Twist laying around so figured I'd give it a try. I've heard from a few people now that the mPT3 tanks don't leak - like zero leaks. Still, I'll probably only start with a .5 squeeze cap first just in case I run into problems. Anything else I should know about the mPT3?
Well, both of mine haven't leaked yet, even with thin 100% Propylene Glycol, and certainly not with the thick Pure Gold that lives there now. As more people here get them, we'll get more reports. Kief is a bad idea for this application because it's full of plant material, which will clog everything up, especially the wick and coil.When I got my regular protank the store told the me the mini's still having a bit of an issue with leaking even in v3, they were certain v4 would have solved it. Maybe they were wrong? I know plant/flower material doesn't work(at least not well) with PG and EJ mix, but can keif work?
I think the atty did not get hot enough? This was during the early days of e-cigs where to get variable voltage models wasn't affordable. I want to say it was alcohol based, but I am not 100% sure, but I do remember it tasting like mint/peppermint.@lesvape Depends on how thick and pure the liquid is (whether it will work in a clearo). Don't know why the liquid you speak of wouldn't work on a drip atty? Maybe someone else here knows what kind of liquid you're talking about. Tincture (to me) usually implies an alcohol based liquid that's meant to be imbibed rather than vaporized.
I was under the impression that people use the word "flexible" here somewhat loosely. Do you think I will be able build a "stovetop" wick with it, will it allow such a tight turn radius without fraying the fibers. If so, that would work awesome.1/16th and 1/32nd flexible braided ceramic wicks.
Low resistance loads, in general, don't work with the most widely distributed regulated power supplies: Ovale Ego clones. But that's just a matter of a little electrical work. 5V@2A, 4V@2.5A, and 3.3V@3A all get you to the same place, ten watts on your coil.I have my doubts that the current ceramic donut heater will work out for us, due to the current generation's extremely low resistance.
I don't recommend the MVP. Either get a more powerful mod, or the Innokin itaste VV V3, which is identical to the MVP with a MUCH smaller profile, cost, and a smaller capacity. The smaller capacity isn't particularly relevant when you're talking about drawing 7-10 watts and using it for concentrates. A genuine Innokin itaste VV V3 can be had for $25 (with free shipping) from Fasttech (in China). link If you don't want to wait a couple of weeks for China shipping, the VV V3 can be had for $30-$35 from a US dealer.You think something like an Innokin MVP would work better with the 1.5ohms coils? I don't own one, but was thinking of grabbing one just because it has VV, VW, and also includes a built-in ohm meter.
Oh - Kanger is also about to release the Aerotank Mini also. Almost identical to the mPT3 but has adjustable airflow and a new coil design where the wick is enclosed. It sounds great, since you can essentially control the vacuum inside the tank to adjust for different thicknesses of the oil/juice.
Note my comments above. I suspect there will be little difference between the Aero and the mPT3, other than the ability to adjust the airflow. Still, the all SS construction of the Aero is definitely a plus.I saw the areotank mini and regular in a store today, I kind of like the look of the Protank 3 better, but efficiency is the most important thing though.
That was an Innokin MVP2.0 in my pic of the donut-equipped UP KISS cart. In my opinion, its sweet spot is 2.0 to 2.5 ohms, and I get the most use out of it closer to 2.5ohms. That said, the MVP will drive a 1.5ohm load well quite well. Here is a screencap from Phil Busardo's review on YouTube:
No, you're not too medicated yet, we can all barely read the text! But the 1.5ohm loads are the bar in the center of each group of bars. Is there a "better" regulated power supply out there, more suitable for a 1.5ohm load? Perhaps (eg DNA20 chipset) but certainly nothing at the $40 price point.
Placed an order with Fasttech last night. Got a VV V3 and a couple PT3's with extra 2ohm coils coming. Thanks for the link to the DNA 30 clone. Looks like I'll have to preorder one of those too. That's a great price for that mod IMO. Especially when compared to the price of branded herbal/concentrate power supplies.Warning: Another one of my very long messages...
I don't recommend the MVP. Either get a more powerful mod, or the Innokin itaste VV V3, which is identical to the MVP with a MUCH smaller profile, cost, and a smaller capacity. The smaller capacity isn't particularly relevant when you're talking about drawing 7-10 watts and using it for concentrates. A genuine Innokin itaste VV V3 can be had for $25 (with free shipping) from Fasttech (in China). link If you don't want to wait a couple of weeks for China shipping, the VV V3 can be had for $30-$35 from a US dealer.
The Innokin itaste VV V3 is like an eGo style battery on steroids. I've been using a VV V3 for a couple of months now. It's the size of 900mAh eGo, but has the brains of the much larger full feature mods, in particular, it has the same chip as the MVP. So it's full variable wattage as well as variable voltage, has a built in ohm meter, a really nice blue LED display, and a nice multi-colored illuminated fire button.It works great, and it charges via a standard micro-usb port on the bottom (with pseudo pass-through as well). It also has a "puff counter", which I initially thought I'd never use, but it's nice to know how many hits you can get out of a full charge, or out of a given clearo or the like. Oh, and it's square, not round. Feels nice in the hand, won't roll off the table.
About the only limitation is that it's only 800mAh; that's the tradeoff that allows it to be so small. Unbelievably, it will actually fire a 1.0Ω load (though only at a fixed 3.2 Volts which is 10 Watts, no matter what you set it to). 1.5Ω is about as low as you want to go and still be able to adjust things. Even there you'll be limited to about 3.6 Volts (or 8.5 Watts), even if you set it higher. This is still better than all the eGo type VV's will do, but it's not as good with low ohm loads as some of the much larger Innokin stuff (like the SVD). Once you get to 2.0Ω and above loads, it pretty much puts out what it says it's going to, though it never quite makes 5 Volts or 11 Watts. As a step up from any eGo or eGo Twist or Vision Spinner, I recommend this highly.
Phil Busardo did a review on the VV V3 too, and the graph 215z put up for the MVP (see below) shows the same thing that the graph for the VV V3 shows. Neither the MVP or the VV V3 is particularly suitable for a 1.5Ω load, though they will both work. As I mentioned in previous messages, I find the 2.0Ω coil a much better match, both for the mods we're talking about, and for the oil we vape.
In the powerful mod category, if you're more inclined to go that direction, I would recommend one of the not-quite-released-yet clones of the Hana mod. It's got a DNA30, it's tiny machined aluminum box mod (smaller than a MVP), comes in 7 colors, and unlike the original Hana, it takes a user replaceable 18650 rather than a soldered in LiPo cell. It still has the built in charger and usb port, but you can also swap out batteries if you like. It's coming out of China and should be available next month. Pre-orders are around $70. Here are some links: link 1 link 2 This is a true kick-ass mod, delivers 7 - 30 watts, 4 - 8.3 volts, and drives loads from 0.4 - 3.0 ohms. If this turns out to be as wonderful as reported, it will be a real steal, and a mod that should serve any needs for the foreseeable future.
Phil Busardo and The Vaping Greek both have reviews up for the new AeroTank Mini and Mega. The Mini is already available for purchase (don't know if the Mega is yet). From what I can tell, there are only two differences between the AeroTank Mini and the Mini ProTank 3. The Aero is all SS and the mPT3 is chrome plated brass, and the Aero has an adjustable airflow while the mPT3 has a fixed airflow. I am delighted with the airflow of the mPT3, but if the adjustable airflow on the Aero works well, the Aero seems like it's worth the extra few bucks. All the pieces of both are interchangeable. Oh, and both kinds of dual coil atty's (in both 1.5Ω and 2.0Ω) are available for the Aero and the mPT3. The kind we're used to with both ends of the two wicks protruding outside the atty by 1mm, and the "new" kind, which have four holes drilled, and a wrap of some kind of fabric, and then the two wicks inside the fabric wrap, with the ends NOT protruding. At this point I can tell you that the atty's of the kind we're used to work great, wicking 100% and leaking 0%. No one knows yet if the "new" kind of atty's will work as well for our thick needs. They may, but we don't know yet. (And both kinds are going to be available, so it's not the end of the world if the "new" ones aren't as good for us). If you check out Phil's review, you can see him take apart one of the "new" atty's.
Phil Busardo's review:
Phil Busardo's update:
Note my comments above. I suspect there will be little difference between the Aero and the mPT3, other than the ability to adjust the airflow. Still, the all SS construction of the Aero is definitely a plus.
Actually, the MVP (and VV V3 for that matter) will work at 1.5Ω, but the MVP will only supply a maximum of about 3.6 volts to it. That limits you to about 8.5 watts and almost no adjustment range. As you note, for the MVP and the VV V3, 2.0Ω and up are much more suitable loads. (And I use my mPT3 with Pure Gold and the dual coil 2.0Ω atty on the VV V3 all the time, with great success and full adjustability).
Thing is definitely a one hitter quitter ... haven't touched my e cig stuff since I got mine although I'd like to finally get around to making a cera/Luna eo style cart out of e cig parts.I also have a new ThermoVape Luna on the way
How about a "one" hitter that you only have to load once a month?
Here's my first report of using a genuine Kanger Mini ProTank 3 with liquified concentrates (in this case, undiluted Pure Gold, which is really thick stuff, easily as thick or thicker than honey). I had a hard time deciding if this post should be in a new thread, or in this thread, or in the "best clearo for pure gold" thread, and the reason I'm leaving it here is because I think it's really relevant to what we've been talking about the past few pages and it applies to any concentrate that is liquid enough to flow, not just Pure Gold. There's been much talk in this and other threads about how to mix your concentrates with, e.g., EJMix or Vegetable Glycerin or Propylene Glycol, etc. so I won't get into it in this message. Anyway, that's why I'm posting this here.
Before I put the first drop of Pure Gold into the mPT3, I wanted to test how well it did with both thin and thick liquids. I changed out the stock 1.5Ω dual coil atty with a genuine Kanger 2.0Ω dual coil PT3 atty, as I only had two of the 1.5Ω attys, but I had five of the 2.0Ω ones, and I wanted to save the 1.5Ω attys for when I loaded Pure Gold. So I loaded 100% Vegetable Glycerin into it, and carried it around for a few days, taking puffs every few hours when I remembered. (Barf; vaping pure VG sucks, even when you just take it into your mouth before exhaling). I went through two tanks of VG (~3ml) with no dry hits and no leaks. I wasn't expecting any leaks (the VG is really thick stuff), but I was happy to discover that the factory 2.0Ω dual coil atty in the mPT3 was able to wick the 100% VG well.
Then I emptied and cleaned out the mPT3, which is really, really easy to do, and filled it with 100% Propylene Glycol. This is really thin stuff, not quite as thin as water, but pretty thin. I carried it around for two days as well, puffing away, and it didn't leak at all (and of course, wicked just fine). For my final test, I loaded it with one of my favorite e-juices (a 70%PG/30%PG blend, pretty thin), and flew from the east coast to the west coast with in my pocket, used it (and refilled it) the whole time I was on the west coast, and flew with it back to the east coast three days later. Worked 100%, leaked 0%.
So I was sold.
I cleaned it out again, switched the factory 2.0Ω dual coil I had been using with a factory 1.5Ω dual coil, and filled it up with three ampules of Pure Gold (a gram and a half worth, which in this case is also a ml and a half). This was scary as dealing with reclaiming a ml and a half of Pure Gold if this didn't work was not something I was looking forward to. Even heated up to, say, 105°F, Pure Gold is a horrible sticky mess to deal with.
Fortunately, it worked. And it worked great. It works significantly better than my old Pure Gold champ, the GotVapes Sapphire. Much much airier draw. Much more control of the density of the vapor and the throat hit. And more importantly, much better flavor. Only one thing wasn't ideal; the 1.5Ω load was too low for all but my sophisticated mods. It wouldn't work on any of my eGo batteries, including the outstanding Vision Spinner variable voltage eGo batteries. Bummer. It's not that the 1.5Ω mPT3 atty requires a lot of power or anything, it's happy with 7.5 - 10.0 watts, it's that its resistance is too low for the tiny batteries. On the mod I'd been using, I was only running 7.5 watts most of the time.
So I took out the mouthpiece, turned the mPT3 upside down, put it under my arm (yeah, yeah, I have a double boiler, but bite me), and let the gram and a half of Pure Gold settle into the top section of the tank. I took off the bottom of the mPT3 (the same way you fill it), unscrewed the 1.5Ω atty and replaced it with one of the 2.0Ω attys. Put everything back together, turned the mPT3 back over, and put it back under my arm for a couple of minutes. Put it on a battery, took a half dozen unpowered hits, set the battery for 7.5 watts, and... Everything worked perfectly, and now the mPT3 worked on all of my batteries, even the tiny fixed voltage 350mAh eGo I have for stealth. Wheee!
I used the 1.5Ω dual coil atty for about 24 hours before I switched it out for the 2.0Ω dual coil atty. It worked just fine, but I had my battery set for its absolute minimum, and even then sometimes I got a bigger hit for the amount I sucked than I liked. So using the factory 2.0Ω dual coil atty is a much better choice for me. I now have range to adjust any of my vv batteries both below what I like, and higher than I like, which is perfect.
I'm still wrapping my head around being able to fill the mPT3 with $100 worth of Pure Gold, and not having to refill it for a couple of months!!! Oh, and the used 1.5Ω atty that I took out of the mPT3 that was full of Pure Gold? I weighed it when I took it out and then I weighed it again after it had soaked and been agitated in Everclear (95% ethanol). Looks like I only lost 0.04 grams to changing out the atty even though the tank was full. I am not only surprised and pleased by how easy the mPT3 is to clean, but how easy it is too get to (and modify) the atty, and how little waste there is if one has to change out an atty.
A couple of caveats: I haven't been using the mPT3 long enough to know how it will do over a long period of time, and whether the atty will clog up and screw up the draw or start leaking; this is the beginning of the story. Be careful not to lose the tiny O-Rings when you clean your mPT3. And one of the reasons that I used the word "factory" so much in this post is because Kanger stuff, including their replacement attys, gets counterfeited all the time. I made sure I was getting genuine stuff; you should too.
Next adventure with the mPT3 will be to wind my own coil using some ceramic wick instead of the factory silica wick. Probably not right away though, all this testing has me too stoned right now.
@lewis6000 I got the tank and the extra coils from MyVaporStore. Good folks, and really fast shipping.
I don't think these will work on the Protank 2 Mini, though. Not sure if you were planning to get a new kit.
You probably want these: http://www.myvaporstore.com/Atomizer_Head_for_Kanger_Protank_EVOD_Unitank_p/krpt-ah.htm
Looks like the only choices for the Protank 2 Mini are 1.8 or 2.4
I've got three of them, and I get more life then I need. Days and days before recharging is necessary. Next to my VV V3, they're my favorite eGo style batteries. I also have a really tiny 300mAh eGo battery (not variable voltage) that I use when I want super stealth and easy pocket-ability.Not to get fully off topic, but I remember one or two users here mentioned they were getting Vision Spinner 400mah. How is the battery life on this model?
I see you already have a link from @Todai, and the prices there are great. Not worth saving $3 on the VV V3 and having to wait 2-3 weeks for it to arrive from China! It's the newest version of the VV V3 as well, showing the extra rivets. As has been mentioned the attys for the mPT2 and the mPT3 are different, which is why you can't find 2.0Ω coil attys for the mPT2 (they don't offer 2.0Ω attys for the mPT2 but they do for the mPT3). I suspect that 1.8Ω is a high enough resistance to let your eGo mini fire it, while 1.5Ω will be just low enough to prevent the eGo mini from working. Different models and brands of eGo batteries are all a little different, and all have slightly different minimum allowable resistances. When your mPT3 arrives, you can tell us if your mini eGo batteries will fire the 1.5Ω atty.Where did you buy the factory 2.0Ω dual coil to replace the stock 1.5Ω atty. I only saw 1.8 Ω attys and 2.5 Ω attys on the fast tech website. Also my pro tank 2 mini works fine with ego mini batteries. Is that because the stock coil is 1.8 Ω ?
I've got three of them, and I get more life then I need. Days and days before recharging is necessary. Next to my VV V3, they're my favorite eGo style batteries. I also have a really tiny 300mAh eGo battery (not variable voltage) that I use when I want super stealth and easy pocket-ability.
I see you already have a link from @Todai, and the prices there are great. Not worth saving $3 on the VV V3 and having to wait 2-3 weeks for it to arrive from China! It's the newest version of the VV V3 as well, showing the extra rivets. As has been mentioned the attys for the mPT2 and the mPT3 are different, which is why you can't find 2.0Ω coil attys for the mPT2 (they don't offer 2.0Ω attys for the mPT2 but they do for the mPT3). I suspect that 1.8Ω is a high enough resistance to let your eGo mini fire it, while 1.5Ω will be just low enough to prevent the eGo mini from working. Different models and brands of eGo batteries are all a little different, and all have slightly different minimum allowable resistances. When your mPT3 arrives, you can tell us if your mini eGo batteries will fire the 1.5Ω atty.