one hitter quitter!
After some delay due to other vape projects, I got around to mounting one of these inception coils that Accept had sent over to me to try out in my RDA. I started with the level 3 coil
My glow shot. It's actually kinda tough to capture a good shot of this
So my overall impression agrees with Accept's general intended use and goal with these coils:
Only need one quick and easy pull from ~15mg concentrate.
And it does that indeed, although I think I newbed it up in a couple of ways that could have improved my inception coil experience, but it certainly specializes in destroying small loads in a single pull
I wanted to use these coils in TC mode to avoid burning and to get the best taste from these coils, and that is possible, although Accept told me I might have to use a higher TCR # maybe 2x the default TC-SS setting, so I used TCR 200 with (meager) 35w and 380F for the first vaped up the small dab super effectively, but my settings were too hot and burned the dab too

That was my bad for starting with a hotter setting instead of a more conservative setting, which goes against all common sense and my own experience with other atomizers in trying to tune in a good flavor / cloud balance

(start low first, then go up

The too-hot hit didn't help the flavor to start, so I burned the coil clean and tried again in TC-SS mode, and I was able to vape up small dabs again, 15-20mg or so, pretty much in one puff, with mere residual dribble puff for a second puff, and then burn it clean to repeat. At this point, I couldn't escape the metallic after-taste, though.

It wasn't a huge after-taste, I was still tasting my concentrate more, but it's something I'm not really used to; I haven't used metal coils in a while, and this taste is absent on my familiar donuts
The other way I might have newbed it up is the random choice of this "obelisk" RDA to mount the level 3 inception coil. These coils are rather big and tall, and the big bulky posts on this RDA get in the way and make it difficult to mount properly. It seems this RDA is intended for more traditional, horizontally laying coils. I probably would have been much better off trying something post-less, like the VVM, pulse, meshpro, or several other possible RDAs.
It was a hassle to get it mounted in there right. I actually had to remove the positive post from the rda and mount the leads into the posts from the bottom then re-assemble it and secure the negative wire, because putting the inception coil's leads into the posts from the top (as intended on this RDA) made the whole thing too tall to clear the cap and drip tip.
Upon initial installing, I had to correct the coil for "hot spots" several times. (Because of my harsh installation probably) They look like little hot red-orange spots where the inner and outer coils contact (which they shouldn't) and you correct with ceramic tweezers, separating the unwanted contact. After moving & poking around at the coil several times, I finally observed the even, faint red glow in watts mode

And even when dry-hitting the clean coil after making it glow, i observed no taste at all, nothing metallic

That's weird that I notice a metal taste when I dab off it then. I wonder if this could have been avoided if I didn't use the higher TCR / temp by mistake when I started? Or would this off-taste be inevitable as I burn-off the coil to clean the residual gunk after a session anyways?
So now, I'm considering getting a better post-less RDA to try this again, I still have a fresh level 2 coil Accept sent me to try out too. I should be able to use this level 3 coil as-is still, but at what point should you discard the coil? What should I look for? Used motor oil color? I know it's just a bit of wire, but for all the effort into wrapping it, and my unnecessary trouble in mounting it, it's a shame it shouldn't be able to serve a bunch more sessions
@Vape Donkey 650 im getting much more familiar with the donuts and really enjoying them. but... issues TCing them again. on my DNA75 and both of my joyetech vtc mini and vtwo mini. the DNA device works great one moment and out of TC the next. the evic devices also have popped out of TC (all devices in recommended NI mode), but mostly keep asking me if the coil is new. i havent gone back into the DT thread to read all the V3 stuff when it rolled out, but surely im not the only one experiencing this. what i find odd is that we have been told to use the nickel setting, but there is no nickel in the donut. thats nichrome correct? anyway all three of my mods have issues with the donuts. why not use 316L inside thr donut and for the leads? then the 316 setting can be used which is easily the most reliable TC setting from my experience. i do like the donuts a lot though and even in wattage mode, because i know how to feather the fire button, i can still get great flavorful rips even when i pops out of TC. i sure would like to figure out why my mods have such issues with these though.
Getting more familiar with the donuts there, that's weird that you're still having issues with both your mods randomly dropping into VW mode though. Are you not locking the coil resistance? On the DNA mod, are you using pre-set modes for TCR, or TFR mode, because that could make all the difference. I don't think there is a pre-set for NiCr, so if you use Ni mode, for example, it may work sometimes with an inaccurate temp #, but it could be finicky?
Even a custom-made, well-tuned TFR profile has been shown to be not much more accurate than TCR mode, and using a TFR profile requires much more effort and tuning. Even if you download someone else's .csv file, if the cold/base resistance of your donut is not the same as the other persons', you have to adjust all the values, negating the ease of just swapping in someone else's profile? (I think so, right?)
Have you tried just entering your own values on regular TCR mode on the DNA mod? None of the pre-sets are a close match, and with the high resolution and sensitivity of the mod, it could be more prone to dump to watts mode when the NiCr/alumina donut isn't acting like the Ni metal coil you're telling the mod it is

As for the evic with stock FW, I don't know why it's acting weird still too. Just TC-Ni mode? Not using your own TCR #? I'm surprised you still haven't tried to put myevic/tubomyevic/AF on that mod. I know you don't hold the joyetech in much high regard, but those firmwares have helped alot in taming the weird TC behavior of some ceramic atty's like the DT dry herb atty. You can load 2 of those FWs even with your mac, it's pretty easy compared to escribe, worth a try
as for lip gunk and drip tips... teflon. fixed! here is a pic of how i am now running my V3. i was able to find some high temp tubing i had from previous projects and it works very well as an oring for the cap of an old rogue rda. it provides some top airflow, of which is actually pretty nice, and allows me to run any drip tip i want.
Nice solution with your tubing and RDA cap for your V3 body, but now I know why you were having problems with the ceramic top fitting too tight and rubbing and making that annoying noise.... black V3!
The black version certainly looks cool, and just looks right and matches the darker color on many mods, but the black ceramic version is the lesser version of the V3.

I've found the fit to be much more reliable with the white V3s, plus the black ones are more brittle and prone to breakage. You have to be more careful when tightening the screws on the black V3 which can break / crack more easily compared to the white. And of 4 or 5 blacks V3s I use, the top caps on 1 or 2 do fit too tight and make that weird noise sometimes, while none of my white caps fit too tight. Not trying to be "DTV3 racist" here

but the black additive they put to color the ceramic on the V3s compromises its strength somewhat

It's been noted by others too
i took the cup from the 10mm donut that came with my V3 and out of curiosity i wrapped it in wire with a sort of stovetop on the bottom. and while it didnt look very pretty... it fucking works damn well! i did two dabs out of it and they were flavorful and cloudy. took a sec to dial in the wattage and temp, but it works far better than i imagined. same taste as the donut. i wrapped the wire around something slighty smaller than the OD of the cup. the stovetop on the bottom was carefully wrapped around the lead nipples. the nipples made it tough and i couldnt get the stovetop to make full contact with the bottom of the cup. but that didnt matter. it heated quickly and provided a great vape. one issue though, using these cups, is that you cannot swab it because of the inside of the cup and its raised sufaces. im thinking about sourcing more ceramic cups that are just cups. like the SOURCE cup.
Interesting, so you made something pretty effective? Should taken some pics of this!

Perhaps the relatively smaller size and thin walls of the ceramic cup helped you? But the little divets and bumps and posts inside the cup will make your clean up not as convenient as a true flat, sealed cup. But maybe those bottom air holes also helped you produce vapor without a directional, top-airflow cap too?
Way to go, maybe you could be a potential fan of the QQ as well if you like this experiment? You can also try to "source" other sealed cups to try out. They can be called "crucible cups" and you can find them in alumina and quartz, they are used in lab equipment.