I guess You consider Me confrontational, just because My Opinion differs from the Majority?
Like I said, I'm probably in the minority because that's the way They want it on This site.
If your opinion goes against the grain, Your Out! Sooner or later?
The staffers who Police this site are obviously chosen because their opinions are aligned
with The doctrine.
By the way, I wasn't the one who brought up the Subject of Addiction, (starting this thread).
I just stated My Opinion.
i never defined the Label, or stated My Own circumstances.
If people can't keep an open mind, maybe they should just withhold their dogmatic contributions?
Ok, you'll pardon me jumping in here.
You keep on painting an us vs them scenario with the folks who run this free web discussion forum, using loaded and charged words like Police, Doctrine, Dogma.
You also made an assumption that
@fernand was talking about YOU in reference to the 'some who enjoy confrontation'... which is quite possibly wrong
But I won't speak for him.
Just note that there has been many episodes of give and take on various topics among the many threads, and I honestly don't think he was talking about you, but rather these previous discussions where things got bit heated and pointed... thankfully from my short time here (relatively) those are the exception rather than the rule.
It generally works out better all the way around then.
Stu is a big part of that, he deserves props.
This isn't some facist regime, it's a bunch of users (recreational AND medical) who are pooling their knowledge and collaborating on learning more.
as for addiction, which is where all this began... throwing around accusations of 'YOU'RE ADDICTED' isn't helpful either (regardless of how accurate you think you're being).
if you understand that dopamine-reward system in the brain, and have looked at the research, Cannabis falls at around the same level as food (just regular old grub, not chocolate truffles).
Yes, it can be abused, like food, shopping, sex, gambling, etc...
but in general the threat from it doesn't include a physical addiction,
only an occasional psychological one which can be resolved with some talk therapy.
and then there are those of us who are definitely using it as medicine, BIG time.
so perhaps take a beat, a breath, and reconsider if this is really an adversarial proposition.
there's a bunch of smart, nice people here, some great information and resources...
do you really want to cut and run at this point?
differing opinions are fine (excellent in fact!), often the problem with many that fail is how they are presented (decades in high tech will burn that into you)... a civil give and take about differing POV, issues, possible solutions, possible complications is always aiming ultimately for a more comprehensive and valuable solution to an issue.
emphasis on CIVIL. Folks don't have it in their minds 'I'm revved up to argue with @so&so tonight on FC' when they are heading home.
Mele Kalikimaka!