... getting out of hand here, so what the heck ... might as well throw in my 2cents!
I've been on the SSRI's, lithium, Concerta, ..., and alcohol, and tobacco, and cannabis; ultimately I'm trying to manage my emotional distress from underlying conditions and behavioural patterns formed over a lifetime w/ issues.
Anyways ... the SSRI's did not help me, neither did Concerta, the SSRI's actually ended up being REALLY bad for me, lithium helped me through a tough patch though, and cannabis is my go-to for keeping things level and has the least significant negative impact on my life; that being said, the lithium definitely did help me, and it served it's purpose.
Ultimately, like I said, everything is just symptom management, fixing anything comes down to long term therapy and work; that maybe I'm getting to, and thus the ability to drop the lithium more recently that seemed so necessary about a year ago.
Perhaps someday I will get to the point of using cannabis just recreationally, as my need to manage my symptoms might abate if I deal with the root causes of the issues; anyways ... the way you feel affects your brain chemistry, and your brain chemistry affects the way you feel; so often I feel it's a chicken/egg question. Is it the brain chemistry that's the problem and causes the behavior or the behavior that causes the brain chemistry? I don't know if that's really a useful question ... this is where I feel modern medicine does come into play ... it can help you re-adjust your brain chemistry artificially while you try to re-adjust it through changing your thinking patterns ... so am I bipolar because I was born that way or because of a series of experiences have set my patterns in such a way that it has made my brain work this way? I'm not really sure ... and I have a feeling it's a bit of both. I'm susceptible to be that way, but it is my life experiences that have sealed the deal.
Anyways ... I'm of the opinion that everything has it's place, cannabis and modern medicine.
The reason cannabis users get so defensive and are so anti-modern medicine, is for years most people practicing modern medicine have been telling them emphatically they are wrong about cannabis, without really bothering to do the proper research, and instead have been trying to get them to take pills to deal with their issues (which have often been less effective)
As modern medicine warms up to holistic approaches, one may find holistic practitioners also warming up more to modern medicine.
Anyways ... this is just my opinion, but it is based on a lifetime of experience, and many, many, many discussions with professionals (doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, ..., not sure if I would call a therapist a professional ... generally I feel like I'm more qualified when talking to a "therapist" ...)