I am finally trying this technique. I've been wanting to for a few weeks now but always find an excuse to vape/smoke. After a while of doing it way too much and often I start to feel like it messes with my head too much and like I need to be high to do everything and that's not healthy. Not even necessarily a "need" but just a "well why the hell not get high before doing that?" So anyways, after this weekend of smoking quiiiite a few joints

each day, I figured today was finally the day to start. It was a tough one. From the moments I woke up I knew I was having withdrawals. I was in a grumpy mood and noticeably more tired at work, as even my co-worker pointed out.
Now to just stay strong until Saturday. I know I can do it but I still have a good half ounce left and it's hard to have it just sitting there. I am easily tempted and persuaded also. I don't really like to smoke and sit around alone unless I'm really bored but everything else I do I like doing high. (Hike, bike, cruise, etc.) Plus there are two just gorgeous girls that I hang out with and smoke with multiple times a week. I honestly want to avoid them this whole week but it's oh so hard. I know when they ask if I want to hang out smoking will be involved and I just can't say no! I love hanging out with them and I love being high. And I love hanging out with them high!
But big deal right? I'll just have to tell them I can't until Saturday and that will be that.
Sorry if anyone is even still reading this. I'm mostly writing it because I need to vent and keep myself occupied otherwise I'll find an excuse to vape. Right now, I am just really excited to see how well this technique works and I really cant wait until Saturday! One day at a time.
One of my friends always says "Wow, first world problems" when I mention I am "addicted" to weed and need to take a break. I know she's joking but it's true and it's a little embarrassing. Here I am worrying about how much I can and can't get high when others have FAR bigger problems to deal with. But hey, what can you do?