Ya know, this whole thing reminds me of the weight loss business. There's millions of dollars being made on telling people how to lose weight. Go into any book store and you'll see hundreds of books dealing with the subject with many of those books being over a 100 pages long. Tons of doctors giving complex advice on what to do. Conflicting methods on how to lose weight.
But when it comes right down to it, it is a VERY simple process and if I wrote a book on it, it would be a half a page long. The weight loss industry purposely makes this issue to be a complex issue so that they can sell more books, more programs, etc etc. More carbs. Less carbs. Glycemic indexes. More protein. Less protein. Every damn weight loss idea contradicts another weight loss idea.
There's only ONE way to lose weight and that is, burn more calories than you take in. That's it. Simple as pie. Figure out how many calories you eat in a day and figure out how many calories you burn in a day. Simple. Pretty easy to figure out. Then all you do is subtract one figure from the other and bingo............ya know what you have to do. Exercise to increase the burn rate while cutting back on your caloric intake. Don't need no stiiiiiiinkin' books or classes or whatever.
Bottom line...............burn more than you take in. That's it. A calorie is a fucking calorie no matter where it comes from and the only ones who say differently are the ones trying to make a buck in the weight loss business.
And the same simplistic approach applies to this tolerance subject as well. If you want to lower your tolerance, vape less. That's it. Nothing complex about it. You can do that with t-breaks, or......you can do that with just cutting back.
Ya want to lose weight? Burn more calories than you take in.
Ya want to lower your tolerance? Don't vape as much as you did before.
It's kinda the same thing.
We really like to take simple shit and make it complicated when it's obviously................not.
Now I need each of you to send me twenty dollars as a consulting fee for the best advice that you will ever get on both of these subjects.

It's the only fucking way that I will ever be able to afford a Mighty.