So for an unbranded pid(dhgate, 220v) your 'normal' pin lay-out should work, right?
I consider myself a fairly light dabber. My average dab is no more, mostly a lot less, then 0,1g, probably closer to 0,05g. My daily driver is and has been for a long time a 20mm liger v2. 0 with SIC
Would you consider te 30mm overkill in my case?
My own feeling tells me I will be more then ok with the 26mm with some ( what quantity and size?) pearls?
Would be nice to sell 'bundles' with everything one needs (that is, from the stuff you sell yourself) to use your products. For instance, the axial coil, banger, pearls and clips together?
Hope this was not asked or said before (thread goes very fast hihi), but to my feeling it would be even nicer if you could also provide us with carb caps. Still waiting till someone comes up with a carb cap that can be used as a dabtool too (like the ones from cca710, but then done right!).
Also, I know coils are kind off like why you started this, but I think it might be a good idea to also sello torches? I have a feeling a lot of us do go 'off grid' from time to time, and a good torch is very handy at those times? May I suggest maybe looking into these guys:
Big thumbs up
@710Coils so nice to see someone folowing his gut feeling and trying to truly be different then the rest. It is clear that in our little 'niche' world way to often people are not being treated correct... Kind of like we 'users' can be treated differantly, like the normal 'laws' do not apply. We stoners for sure will not complain, even less when not being in a legal state?
@710Coils Thank you for taking the initiative, and creating a 'safe' spot for all our coil and banger related needs to be furfilled!!! The way you have been handling this is amazing, hence the support here! I can only wish your shop might become our go to place for everything related to dabbing. I am 100% sure if you can keep up your customer service like this that this forum will provide you with more loyal customers then you could have ever imagined!
Edit: so consider me another person waiting for a 220v 26mm coil to order my 'bundle'