@TRDreviews - If you twist/snug the GH and TiChi together tightly, they make a single straight unit, maintaining their connective chi energy flow as you take those long draws without discomfort. Haven't tried your angled technique, as I fear a disruption in the feng shui geometry.
Hope you have deciphered the twist directionality when taking apart for cleaning. I screwed up first time, pun intended. PM'd Mark and he explained it. I thought it was "lefty-loosey" at both ends. Nope. More difficult to explain than to do:
- Hold TiChi sideways so you can read the 420EDC logo right side up. Now we have an Up and a Down orientation.
- To loosen, twist each end towards the Down orientation.
- To tighten, twist each end towards the Up orientation.
One of my ends sticks, so I got cheap gloves with silicone ridged grips to help.
You mentioned transport. I have a couple of carry bags, and usually keep the Hopper-TiChi unit intact inside one of the larger pockets. The drag about transporting them separately is the resin goo on the exterior of the GH silicone condom after several sessions. My solution to this messy situation was cheap silicone hookah mouthpiece shields; put them over the sticky condom end of GH to protect your pocket or case.
I especially like how hot the TiChillum feels to the touch after the second and third long draw. That means it's working. Imagine the lip and throat burns doing these same long draws without it.
And how about that kissable mouthpiece!?